Did You Feel "Special" Being A Jehovah's Witness?

by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Think of how many Witnesses love the idea that they are being persecuted for righteousness sake. They relish the thought that they could be getting beat on for "Jehovah God".

  • 144001

    Indeed, I felt "special," just like a victim of a terminal illness feels "special" as well.

  • free2think
    You feel special in the sense that you think you're part of God's chosen group and all the "inside language" that no one else understands makes you feel like you're "in the gang".

    I think journey-on summed it up well. I ws raised in the troof and I felt special in that I felt lucky that my parents had found the 'true religion.' I do remember thinking that if my parents hadn't brrn dubs I wouldn't have gone in for it if someone had offered me a study, so at the time I felt lucky. But I think that's partly due to the seperation process that is imposed on dubs. You're so isolated from reality and real life that you do believe that there is something special about us. Sorry I'm rambling, I was working it out as I was typing.

    I'll stop now.

  • DJK

    I was embarrassed, isolated and beat on as a kid in school, just like many JW kids. There are a lot of JW parents who relish the fact that thier children are suffering for Jehovah.

  • Quandary

    I remember growing up how I always admired all the people I would read about helping this planet and the people on it in practical ways, people involved with Greenpeace, UNICEF, Cousteau Society, especially Jaques himself. I would think how could Jah destroy such wonderful people who are caring for his creation so selflessly, just because they are not JWs? Even when I believed most of what I was taught by the "Society" I never believed the good people on this planet would be obliterated and I never thought I was a "cut above" others, rather I felt many times that these really active volunteers were a "cut above" me.


  • Quandry

    I agree with Quandary's post. (yes, I know our names are essentially the same)

    I gave thought to ones like Mother Theresa and the selfless way that she served the poorest of the poor and ones who made fighting illnessess their life's work and wondering why we couldn't feel good about these people but must lament the fact that unless they became Witnesses they would die without everlasting life. The fact that Witnesses never did any real improvement work in the community embarrassed me.

  • tnangel73

    No. I never felt special as a witness. And neither did I find any joy in the ministry or felt like I was in a "spiritual paradise."

  • Quandary

    Quandry- I agree with you too. Mother Theresa was one of the finest human beings to walk this earth, she is truly a saint.


  • new boy
    new boy

    My friend I have posted many times on your threads.

    But you never post on any of mine...............why is that?

  • minimus

    I'm sorry Newboy. I'll work on it.

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