Strange announcement about "donations" at the S.A.D.

by Doubting Bro 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    At a recent S.A.D. I attended, something caught my attention during the accounts report about how to make donations by check. In the past, they have always instructed persons who want to donate by check to make that check payable to WatchTower (if I recall, they even told you to capitalize the T). However, this time, the instruction was to make the check payable to Jehovah's Witnesses. Maybe, I'm just imagining things, but this seems like a change to me. Of course, any and all changes with the WTS are motivated by money.

    So, here's my theory. I think there will be a change, maybe next year or no later than 2009, to the way literature is obtained and distributed. I think that the WBTS will be reorganized into a for-profit entity and all literature will be charged for and the local congregations will be responsible to paying any sales taxes and filling out the proper forms. The presses will be moved from upstate NY to Mexico for North America and maybe Africa for Europe. The CCJW will be responsible for the content of the material while the WBTS will be responsible for the printing and sale of the material. Because the for-profit and non-religious nature of the WBTS will open up liability, the only materials distributed door to door (as agents of the WBTS) will be tracts that are distributed without charge and in the name of the CCJW.

    I know none of these are new ideas, but I think we're begining to see the plan put into action. Or maybe I'm just reading too much into a simple plea for cash!

  • Gayle

    Thankfully, I am really out of the loop anymore, what is S.A.D.?

  • OnTheWayOut

    I can recall them actually saying at the Circuit Assembly to write on the check:

    Illinois Circuit of Jehovah's Witnesses #12.

    They differentiated that from "Jehovah's Witnesses" at the DC. They never really
    explained it, but we all knew it was some legal reason. Of course they will cash
    any check you give, regardless of what entity you donate it to. I think they don't
    want a bunch of checks written to the corporation (WatchTower) but the generic
    "Jehovah's Witnesses" allows them to divert it to any charitable branch.

    I would be curious if someone knows more about why they do this.

  • sir82
    The presses will be moved from upstate NY to Mexico for North America

    After investing however-many-hundreds-of-millions on the new presses in Wallkill in the past 5 or so years? Would seem like a huge waste to make a change so soon afterward.

    Plus, it's not like they're saving any labor costs by printing in Mexcio vs. the US. It's volunteer (free!) labor.

    But otherwise, I can see a bigger division growing between the CCJW & the other corporations.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I think the reasons why the cheques have been made out to the circuits or districts is because that is the "entity" responsible for the expenses. When I see charitable receipts from JW's there are always several different ones, from different "branches" of the JW's, depending on where the donation was made, or where it was directed to, etc.


  • Cellist

    I've been out of the loop a long time too, but I think S.A.D. means Special Assembly Day.


  • jelcat8224

    I think I remember them saying to make the checks out to Jehovah's Witnesses. This may have just been in the past couple of years ... I haven't been to one in almost two years.

  • blondie

    The WTS changed the name of the DC to Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Also, the letterhead to the elders now says Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. One reason could be to try and give non-JWs the idea that the WTS is a "christian" organization. If you still go to the assemblies, why not ask and report back to us.


  • 5go
    The presses will be moved from upstate NY to Mexico for North America and maybe Africa for Europe.

    I can think of one reason lawsuits.

  • garybuss

    At circuit assemblies I attended the sponsors would raise and pass a resolution for, or sometimes just announce, a cash donation to the "Society". At the district assemblies there was no such announcement because the "Society" was the sponsor of the district assemblies. All top line receipts were theirs.

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