Countdown to Armageddon

by Sasha 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • aquagirl

    its eminent,no is getting older,age spots and the coming of winter..what a clever clever bunch of monkeys they are!!!!

  • Arthur

    Somehow, JWs have taken Jesus' words about earthquakes and have transfered them to apply to other events such as global warming, volcanos, hurricanes, and coastal flooding. Huh?? It makes me laugh when JWs try to point to all natural disasters as "signs" of the last days. I was reading an article in Scientific American magazine that desribed some of the natural disasters (volcanos, earthquakes, etc.) that occured before humans were even on the planet. These events made our modern day natural disasters look tiny in comparison.

    We could live in a Utopian world with no tragedies or disasters, and the Watchtower organization would still find something to point to. An old lady could slip on a banana peel and break her hip; and the Watchtower would claim it as a sign of the last days.

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