Since I left...

by RollerDave 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jgnat
    jgnat have noticed this and made efforts to regain me, thinking they could simultaneously make use of my newfound strength and competence and squash my irritating new independence...

    Thank you for putting in to words what I have noticed. I call the phenomenon "fresh meat". As a never-JW and competent Christian, I've noticed that they want me very badly. Me and my daughter. We ARE clean-cut and moral. We would make LOVELY Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't know if it shows, but whenever they put on the sales pitch to come to the hall, I have a very strong EWWWW reaction.

    Equally reprehensible is their strong aversion to my son, who DOES NOT look like an "Awake" poster boy.

    Do JW's pick and choose who they want to bring along with them to Paradise?

  • LeslieV

    I have to say I find it hard to believe that anyone would treat you as you had somekind of mental challenge. The JW's in your old KH were stupid. You are very articulate when you write. I like the way you express yourself, thanks for sharing. Looking forward to more of your story.


  • unique1

    Excellent Story. Thanks for sharing. WELCOME TO THE BOARD!!

  • Tara

    Roller Dave,

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful and inspiring story. I can relate as I have been out, hating God, for 11 years and only recently have I started to regain my relationship with him.

  • mouthy

    I too enjoyed reading about you & yours.Thank God you were never baptised .A blessing in disguise.

    You sound like you have it together .... Glad Mum still keeps in touch. Show her the love that God tells us we need .... Hope to read more of your story (((HUG)))

  • truthsearcher

    Hi Dave:

    I have been struck by your comment about realizing how badly you wanted to know God and another poster's comment about " I want to believe in him, but he's not making it easy. " To think of the years of study and work involved in being with the Witnesses and yet to never really know the God of the Bible!

    Would this come from their rejection of Christ, for it is through knowing Jesus that we really can know who God is? That might be a good place to start for those who are struggling with this.

  • jimbo

    Welcome Roller Dave!!

    Please continue sharing your life story with us.

    Thanks you.


  • Angry_Kangaroo

    Thank you for sharing your story. I hope to read more about you, very thought provoking.

  • Quandry

    I did not see your first posts and wanted to welcome you to the forum.

    You expressed yourself and your self doubts (that many of us share) eloquently. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

  • Kudra

    WHY did they call you retarded??

    Cause you were in a wheelchair? Because of depression?

    Too weird. You are obviously extremely well spoken and intelligent.


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