The more I research the word "Jehovah" the more I feel that we shouldn't...

by A-Team 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • A-Team

    re-read my post...matter in fact.

  • IP_SEC
    I'm not saying Im right, Im just sating what I have found.


    What you have found amounts to what is becoming a common and very fallacious posit as to the words hovah and Jehovah. If you didnt care to read the link I posted earlier I will post Nark's response which was very good.

    Re: Jehovah means Disaster?

    This is so stupid. I suppose it was started as a (poor) joke and the author didn't even imagine it might be taken seriously.

    By the same "logic," the Spanish pronunciation of Jesus "means" horse (Hebrew sus).

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    I will vouch for this. I used to bring this up all the time - no one would comment haha.

    In Strongs Concordance - #1943 - hovah - mischief or ruin.

    SO WHAT! if the sound Jah + hovah = the name the WT & JWs call their god.

    exactly - maybe means this, or that yada yada the point is - in whatever language, spoken by whoever - the Hebrew translation for the sound hovah is mischief or ruin.

    when you put all the stuff together - jews, OT, hebrew, bible, israel, chosen ones, etc - you'd think they could've picked a different word to repeat over and over ad nauseum, showing how they must be the only ones with the truthâ„¢
    cause they use the real name. LOL

    Is there anyone here who speaks hebrew who is offended by hearing this willynilly for the Name of God?


  • jwfacts

    YHWH is most certainly not pronounced Jehovah. This is an interlace of the words YHWH and Lord. I find this ironic, as the replacement word Lord is the very reason YHWH stopped being used. There is common agreement that Yahweh is the closest to how it was originally pronounced. The Watchtower counters that it does not matter if the pronounciation is inaccurate, as names vary between languages. I don't think either side will concede to the other.

    What is a more important point is that the New Testament did not use the word YHWH at all, ever. Jesus is never recorded as saying to use Jehovah (YHWH). Therefore a Christian, following Jesus example should use Lord, God or Father. Father is far more personal, I would never dream of calling my father by his first name.

  • cultswatter

    HOw bout mr dressup

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