..If I went "Back to the Kingdom Hall"..

by OUTLAW 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Addressing your OP question:

    How many other doctrines,that we were ordered to preach by the WBT$,no longer exsist?...OUTLAW

    1. Pinatas were bad. Now generally OK unless you see demons fly out when you whack it.

    2. Wind chimes used to keep demons away. (And that....................was a bad thing? WTF?) But now that they don't keep demons away they're..................... good?.........., or at least OK if you really want one.

    3. College: I think the GB is playing with a dimmer switch on this particular "light". Not exactly off, on, off again. More of an almost completely dark, then somewhat light, now just kind of a romantic "mood" lighting. Until the 1990s, college was virtual apostasy unless you were lucky enough to have one mean "unbelieving" parent who made you go. (Poor kids ) Then it was almost a green light, and now it's almost back to a red light (but not quite, depending on the local BOE and how thick your skin is).

    4. Gum chewing. Used to be pretty much, use your common sense and good manners, assuming you had some. Now it has been specifically forbidden at "large outdoor conventions". (Yes, in writing, in the Watchtower). No specific talmudic rule was laid down about any other "Christian" meeting. (Why, I don't know.) It's been fun watching the local tempest in a teapot over this life-and-death issue that all true Christians must face.

    Well, that's all I can think of for now.

    Open Mind

  • daystar
    4. Gum chewing. Used to be pretty much, use your common sense and good manners, assuming you had some. Now it has been specifically forbidden at "large outdoor conventions". (Yes, in writing, in the Watchtower). No specific talmudic rule was laid down about any other "Christian" meeting. (Why, I don't know.) It's been fun watching the local tempest in a teapot over this life-and-death issue that all true Christians must face.

    You... are... $4itting me!!!

  • Open mind
    Open mind
    You... are... $4itting me!!!

    Would I shullbit a shullbitter?

    I shite you not, Daystar. There was a WT study article about our beloved "Sacred Gatherings" a few months ago. There were a couple paragraphs about large outdoor conventions. It mentioned that we could dress appropriately for the weather while still maintaining our dignity. (You know, like make sure your plastic garbage sack/rain coat doesn't clash with your shoes). It then mentioned something to the effect that even though we're outside, we would still want to refrain from eating during the sessions or chewing gum.

    Now, a good responsive sheep would probably run with that reasoning and say that if it's not OK to chew gum outside when we're loosening up a little on clothing selection, then it must be Verboten at ALL meetings. But, clever little $hit stirrers that the Writing Dept are, they didn't come out and actually connect those dots. Sooooooo, we've got some elders still chomping it up like there's no tomorrow and at least one self-righteous dude who needs to get a life who manages to regularly work in "the evils of gum chewing" to his talks.

    Now Daystar...........................don't you want to come back? See what you've been missing? Just sit still while I get the scalpel a little closer to your frontal lobe............

    Open Mind

  • daystar

    How grand it is that the WBT$ doesn't realize how strongly man's heart wishes to be free. Little seeds such as that, sown into the hearts of men will tend to grow into great seething vines which call "revolution!!" eventually.

    *chuckle* forbidding chewing gum... ricockulous!


    Windchimes were a big "no-no" back in the day..Apparently wind-chimes are like a dog whistle to demons..LOL!!..Pinatas?..No pinatas in Canada.....College or any other higher education was frowned upon..Hell!!..Why not just quit high school and go pioneering,Armageddon is just around the corner.Plenty did it.Now thier in thier 50`s with no retirement plan.I hear the WBT$ is going to send them all a big Pay-Check$$$$$..LOL!!.....Chewing gum???..Everyone chewed gum back then..Now I read it`s supposed to increase blood flow to the brain..I guess the WBTS read the same article..Would`nt want JW`s getting any smarter..They might start to think for themselves..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • purplesofa


    Do you have a suit?


  • nvrgnbk

    One of the two following scenarios would unfold:

    1. I would be hospitalized for a severe mental and nervous breakdown.


    2. I would be cremated and my ashes buried.

    Nvrgnbk- I'd rather die!

  • nvrgnbk
    unless you see demons fly out when you whack it.

    I do see something fly out when I whack it.


    Purps..I don`t own any suits..If I have a special function to attend I usually rent a nice tuxedo and all the accesorys that go with it..My last tux was very cool..It would appear I`m going to have to attend some business functions this year and a tux would be a little over dressed..I`ll buy a few nice 3piece suits and a few pair of nice Italian dress shoes..I`ll look like I own a Bank..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • purplesofa


    pics please!!!


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