Where did JesusGet this Idea From?

by gumby 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sf

    sKally ponders, even Wonders to herSELF:

    "Just HOW does gumby, and Others like him, count their "preaching time" when posting on a site such as this, especially knowing they don't actually go door knocking anymore." [ Oh, I KNOW the answer. It's just such a phenomenon to actually WITNESS. I'm not expecting any reasonable replies, so LOL, don't bother. Just keep underlining that magazine. lol ]

    At any rate, it certainly falls under the category of:

    Things that make you go hmmmmm.


  • anewme

    Very VERY GOOD question Gumby!!!!!

    I think you may have hit the nail on the head what is at the core of the Watchtower deceit!!!!!

    Goddamn that makes me sooooo mad! They took our minds and hearts and twisted the scriptures and ruined for us what might have been a life changing experience to know Jesus and follow in his footsteps in this life!

    Im mad! ( I have other reasons that I am mad, but that just made me madder!!!!)


  • Mary
    "Just HOW does gumby, and Others like him, count their "preaching time" when posting on a site such as this, especially knowing they don't actually go door knocking anymore." Oh, I KNOW the answer. It's just such a phenomenon to actually WITNESS. I'm not expecting any reasonable replies, so LOL, don't bother. Just keep underlining that magazine. lol

  • Kent

    As anyone with a blown up ego, any maniac that tells people he's the son of God, the words only come from a screwed up mind. Think for yourself, anyone walking around today claiming just half of what this Jesus did, would be locked up in a loonybin faster than lightening.

    It's strange that so many people actually can believe this figure was so important. The history writers at the time wrote down everything that was important, and more or less all of them wrote about John the Baptist. But how many did write about this Jesus?

    In an historical perspective, Jesus was a complete nobody, and the only ones that has been writing about him are people that never ever spoke to him. They was born after Jesus was dead! Actually, modern day snake-oil salesmen has more witnesses to their miracles than Jesus ever did

    Another thing that proves the madness is the fact that the Romans executed this miracle man, son of God. He was able to rise people from the dead, and the Romans had a problem with generals being killed. If anyone today could rise people from the dead, they could make 9.11 all over again, and they would never be executed, just because the government could use their skills. It was no different back then....

  • Mary

    So Kent.....can I assume you won't be attending the summer ASSembly this year?

  • LittleToe

    CS Lewis exclaimed that due to the statements recorded as purportedly being from his lips, Christ must have either have been:

    • A liar;
    • Insane; or
    • Genuinely the Son of God.

    Anyhow, the Golden Rule is one of the best known sayings attributed to him (regardless of whether or not it was unique at the time), and the one most open for use and abuse, in a world that is familiar with it.

  • Gill

    Isn't the WT Society just like that ancient nation of Israel in that it has a written law and an oral law. It's hard to pin down who came up with the oral laws in just the same way. Were they protecting themselves against ancient law suits I wonder?

  • Narkissos
    CS Lewis exclaimed that due to the statements recorded as purportedly being from his lips, Christ must have either have been:
    • A liar;
    • Insane; or
    • Genuinely the Son of God.

    (At the risk of drifting further off topic): I have heard this argument repeated as nauseam in Evangelical churches, and always wondered why nobody would question its "either/or" premise.

    Why, indeed, would the genuine Son of God not be also "a liar" and/or "insane"?

    This question reveals that the true "authority" behind the claim to "supernatural revelation" is, ultimately, a preconception of what "God" can or cannot be (or do): iow revelation logically depends on this preconception which precedes it. The dreaded "human reasoning" which the notion of "revelation" tries to transcend but cannot.

  • LittleToe

    Didier:I suppose there should really be an option for a lying, cheating, insane Son of God, but I thought Satan was supposed to occupy that role?

  • sf

    Nice to 'see' you Kent.

    Give Norm a huge kiss for me when ya see him, will ya?



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