Evolution - Myths and Evidence

by maksutov 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • abiather

    It is true that certain percentage of DNA of gorilla and NNA of humans would be similar. Yet that tiny portion of unshared DNA makes a world of difference: it gives us, for instance, our bipedal stance and all our unique abilities to the extent of planning even space missions!


    Nothing except a superstitious faith can vouch for such an impossible leap from gorilla to humans!

    "“What a piece of work is man!

    How noble in reason!

    How infinite in faculties!

    In form and moving how express and admirable!”--Shakespeare

  • maksutov

    It is true that certain percentage of DNA of gorilla and DNA of humans would be similar. Yet that tiny portion of unshared DNA makes a world of difference: it gives us, for instance, our bipedal stance and all our unique abilities to the extent of planning even space missions!


    Nothing except a superstitious faith can vouch for such an impossible leap from gorilla to humans!

    I used to agree with that, when I had superstitious faith in an undetectable invisible super-powered being. Now I am impressed by the number of logical fallacies one can fit in a single sentence! False dichotomy (superstitious faith or nothing), personal incredulity (you cannot believe it, therefore it is impossible), straw man (gorilla to human), appeal to the stone / proof by assertion (dismissal of the evidence already presented without grounds).

  • abiather

    If we can believe Gorilla made such an impossible leap to human, such a great miracle that happened automatically without an external help would eclipse all the miracles reported in all the scriptures.

  • maksutov

    If we can believe Gorilla made such an impossible leap to human, such a great miracle that happened automatically without an external help would eclipse all the miracles reported in all the scriptures.

    Nobody is saying that a Gorilla made a leap to human.

  • abiather

    It may have taken many years--still it is a leap from one species to another. Leap is a leap no matter how much time it took!

    "Homo sapiens is very recent, probably originating less than 150,000 years ago (150 kya)"


    This makes it easy for you to find out how many years it took for gorilla to become homo sapiense. Now you may find out from what period gorilla had been living here.

    "The ancestors of the Hominidae family had already speciated from those of the Hylobatidae family, perhaps 15 million to 20 million years ago." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hominidae)

  • maksutov
    @abiather: Gorillas did not become humans - please refer to myth number 3, above. I think I understand what you are saying though - you don't think it is possible for a new species to evolve from an ancestral species by natural means, and some supernatural influence is the only explanation you will accept. I'm also pretty sure that no amount of evidence would convince you otherwise, so I'm not going to argue with you. If you spot anything inaccurate in the above sample chapter though, please feel free to let me know. Thanks for your feedback.
  • Vidiot
    Good post, kinda long, all stuff we've gone through before.
  • Viviane
    It may have taken many years--still it is a leap from one species to another. Leap is a leap no matter how much time it took!

    You are clearly utterly ignorant about the things you talk about.

  • maksutov

    Vidiot: Good post, kinda long, all stuff we've gone through before.

    Thanks, yes, the intended audience is those who are either just joining or just leaving the JWs - I tried to document the things I would have wanted to know at that point, as it is a very confusing time when you're trying to sort out what's true and what isn't.

  • sir82

    Most JWs, even those who think they have thoroughly researched the subject, do not understand the scientific theory of evolution by natural selection.

    This is absolutely the key.

    The WTS does a textbook-perfect job of "strawman argument" in their attempts at debunking evolution. JWs don't even realize that they don't understand.

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