A ex-jws friend told me that she thinks JW's will accept the "mark". How?

by booker-t 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar

    It's certainly a wolf in sheep's clothing. Even they don't suspect! Well, maybe a few near the top.

  • funkyderek


    A good friend of mine that is an ex-jws and now is a born again christian told me that she thinks that the WT society will demand JW's to accept the "mark" of the beast. I was wondering how would this happen? Will JW's that get baptized at assemblies have to say some sort of "Heil the WT society" or will they somehow denounce Jehovah and Jesus and praise the GB? It is really getting more frightening at the way the WT society is beginning to "crumble" right before our very eyes. But all this needs to happen because they have hurt alot of people.

    While the WT society already demands a strong allegiance, and is most likely in a long slow decline, the idea that there's a "'mark' of the beast" is just ancient superstition. Somebody who abandons the superstition of the Watchtower only to grasp at another slightly different superstition (in which they still think the Watchtower is significant) is somebody to be pitied.

  • BizzyBee
    My opinion is that either the Witnesses will get rid of most of their fringe beliefs and become basically just another religion. Which it's close to being now anyway, if they got rid of disfellowshipping, got rid of the non-questioning for the GB thing, and the blood doctrine, that's what they would essentially be anyway.

    Nahhhh............they'd have to get rid of all them danged meetings, FS, the demunization of politics, their anti-ecumenism, little colored books, the Armageddon franchise, etc. Too much!

  • Mum

    Yes. They, too, must use Microsoft products for effective exchange of information. In the name of Microsoft, every knee shall bend and every head shall bow. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, Microsoft without end. Amen.

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