Is belief in God just "wishful thinking"?

by TheCoolerKing 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TheCoolerKing

    When I was a JW I didn't question the existence of God. There was no doubt that Jehovah or God was real. Occasionally though, I did have doubts. Like so many others I would wonder why, if God existed, would he permit so much evil to continue all over the world. I mean if, as we were taught, God was our father and we were his children, why would he allow humanity to suffer for so long? Would a loving parent allow their children to be harmed or hurt and not intervene in some why to help them? Especially if those "children" were crying out or praying for help? But of course as a JW I had to remain silent and I could never discuss these doubts.

    Now recently I have begun to seriously question if a God or deity does actually exist. There has been much written on this subject. A friend suggested that I read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. At this point in my life I consider myself an agnostic. While I'm not yet an atheist, I do find myself leaning in that direction more and more every day.

    Many historians and scholars believe that the whole God and religion concept were invented to control the masses. If this is so, then this would mean that there is really no heaven, hell or afterlife to look forward to when we die. And if this is the case, then it shows how valuable and precious our lives truly are.

    Ok, I need help!

    Is anyone else struggling with this "does God exist" dilemma?

  • purplesofa

    Many historians and scholars believe that the whole God and religion concept were invented to control the masses. If this is so, then this would mean that there is really no heaven, hell or afterlife to look forward to when we die. And if this is the case, then it shows how valuable and precious our lives truly are.

    I believe that is true, I still think man wrote the bible and man is scripted to play it out. We could have had a different script with a different result. We won't really realize anything different until the bible script is played out. and we rewrite our future crazy arent I?

    I am reading the God will like it.


  • Do Not Call
    Do Not Call

    You sound like I did a few years ago! The same questions and doubts as I had.
    My belief in God is now equal to my belief in a giant teapot orbiting the planet. I respect people who want to believe, though and I understand that some people need this faith in a god. I personally enjoy and appreciate life a lot more now that I don't believe in god. It's good advice to read as much as you can. I found The God Delusion good, but by the time I read it I was already an atheist through my own reasoning and experience.
    Good luck with your dilemma and I hope you find happiness, whatever you choose to believe!!
    DNC xx

  • Blueblades

    The question of God. Many of history's greatest thinkers have wrestled with the ultimate question of belief and nonbelief in God. It is unlikely that any new arugments could possibly be raised on either side. Each has their flaws and alternatives to their positions. The problem of pain and suffering, the nature of love and sex, and the ultimate meaning of life and death has been argued through and through. In the end each of us must decide for ourselves which path to follow.

    Meanwhile, life is precious either way you chose to believe and the search for true meaning in life goes on.There are many on this forum who believe in conflicting belief systems and have their own reasons for that and have shared those reasons with us. "Is belief in God just wishful thinking?" Some will answer yes, some will answer no, some like myself don't know, all will give strong arguments for their answer.

    As for me, I lean toward a Creator even though I can't prove it or disprove it either way. I wish you all the best on your search for an answer to your own question.


  • JamesThomas

    Dear King,

    Belief in a loving "God" -- amongst a tragic world, does seem counter intuitive and gives witness to a "God" with less morals than our own (we who would fix and heal this mess if we had the power to).

    What are beliefs other than abstract constructs of thought and emotion? Shall we now put together a new group of beliefs called: "not believing". Perhaps there is another way. Perhaps there is an outside to the box we have lived in.

    When all beliefs of "self" and "other" are absent, what remains? When all mental interpretation of existence and judgments of good and bad are silent, what actually exists?

    I suggest forgetting about believing one way or the other about "God" or the ultimate significance and Source of life, and instead be deeply present with Life....and see what wisdom and treasures can be found right here, right now. Who/what is this person who wants to know "God"? What if we stop looking outside ourselves for meaning, and instead thoroughly investigate into the most intimate sense of being and existing? What are you, really?


  • Dagney

    Me me me!!!!

    I struggle with this daily...

    After I stopped going to meetings and I was working through the grieving process of the loss of everything (my youth, friends know the drill), I felt God helping it seemed. I also focused more on the wonders of nature and the universe...which made me feel closer to God, so I thought. brought me through a troubled time which I am grateful for.

    It didn't erase the niggles and seeming inequities of his rulership though. Now I am wondering, did I create this God in my brain, and my brain conjured up the feelings?

    I almost ordered Dawkins book last's still in my queue.

    Even with this questioning of "his" existence...I don't feel bad about things either. I feel relieved that there isn't a secret handshake you need to know to keep you from eternal damnation and scorn from believers. But then, I felt a little lost this week attending a memorial at a KH of a dear friend. I wanted to pray for peace and comfort for the family...which I did...but sort of a "one eye open" kind of request. Don't know exactly what to do in those situations.

    I agree with others here in reminding myself to live fully in the moment (BELIEVE ME that came in handy after the service when confronted with my old elder body and former friends.) It really works...and loving life...every minute of it.


  • lonelysheep
  • lonelysheep

    Did you see "House" last night, anyone? When Dr. Cutie said to Dr. Hottie something to the effect of, "I pray hoping something is there listening?"

    <----A "House" Fan

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    I believe God made us in His image, therefore, it is natural to question, and learn, and be curious, and want to improve our knowledge and wisdom, our outlook on life. Questions are good. Wishing is good. Thinking is good.

    It's only natural.


  • Terry

    Bill O'Reilly has been taking on Atheists this week on his radio and TV program, sigh.

    Why can't Atheists be better prepared for the ludicrous barbs than the two people O'Reilly had to bounce around?

    Richard Dawkins didn't do so well and I can't understand why. When O'Reilly said he simply HAD to believe that the wonders of the universe had to have a CAUSE and he choses to regard God as the cause----why didn't Dawkins say: "What is your cause for God?"

    Which is the greater necessity for "cause"? A universe of things and beings inferior.....or....a supernatural intelligence without beginning or end? Seems to me this rationale is moot.

    O'Reilly named off the greatest killers in history as being Atheists: Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc. This should have left him open to assault easily. Weren't the men on the Enola Gay who dropped atomic bombs on the innocent citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki CHRISTIAN MEN?

    Being Atheist or being Christian is no guarantee of anything. Outrageous acts are always justified for some insidious set of reasons.

    To my mind, God is man's projection outward of himself in an effort to bootstrap his longevity, intelligence, ethics and power. No wonder "god" is invisible and unprovable!!

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