Who is "us" Genesis 1:26

by BFD 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Liza

    Dosen't the Bible also make refrences to Hades? Heh but most likely as a place and not a god.

    But a couple of things must be kept in mind, I've gone to Liberal Christian sites and they seem to know what they are dealing with:

    1. The Gospels had their own theological biases and ideas when writing the books of the Bible.

    2. When the scrolls themselves were copied, there were spelling errors here and there, and biases by the translator.

    3. When translating an iffy word, context, connotation, and symbolism should be taken in account(this is part of the debate on the word "pornia" in the NT).

    In my opinion, the Bible maybe was easy to read at some point, but it's been thousands of years of mucking up and that it's diffucult for man to fathom supernatural things(or even odd scientific things, like things existing and moving before space and time), so heh.

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    "Also, Gen 4:13 Cain tells God his punishment is more than he can bear because "whoever finds me will kill me". Who else was on the earth and how did they get there?" - BFD

    I recently dealt with that same subject (plus others) in another topic, you may find this interesting:



    As to your question, 'Who is "us"?', I always had problems with that too, even back when I was a believer. At that time, I found that it helped to eliminate some of the identity problems by reading one of those bibles with "the words of Christ in red for easy understanding". Back then I swallowed it all, but there was always this little tickle in the back of my brain going '...? But wait...there's words in red all the way back in the OT... 'Christ' didn't exist until the NT...' It requires some serious mental gymnastics to have faith, in my opinion. Ohhhh...so it was Christ...beFORE he was Christ...

    I once read the whole bible...as a believer. I later tried to re-read it as a semi-agnostic searching for... something. Like yourself, I got sidetracked on many tangential issues and questions. I'm now atheist. And no, I didn't manage to finish it the second time around, the whole thing became pointless to me.

  • BFD

    OK first off, a big thank you to all who replied.

    Nark, I read the thread that you posted and I am astonished that Jehovah had a Father! I never heard of El. My first thought is that He is the God to be worshiped since apparently, He was first before Jehovah. (this made for some really wacky dreams last night).

    The Bible, from Genesis through Revelation, makes it clear that God created all things, that only God Almighty is the Creator.


    Um, right now it is not clear at all.

    Isaiah 44:24 says that Jehovah created all things alone, all by Himself. - Undisfellowshipped

    My bible does not have the "alone, all by himself" in it. Maybe my bible is missing some stuff. (NIV BIBLE in 90 days cover to cover).

    I will take a look at the web sites you posted when I have more time. I have to go to work soon.

    Yo BFD! I told you to stay away from that stuff! It'll just mess you up.


    Like I'm not already messed up. Maybe this will put me over the edge! Ever hear that you can be so far to the left that you're right? lol

    The Trinity Fairy Tale pounded into our brains by the churches (They say God was talking to His other Split Personalities- MAD

    In your mind the Trinity is a fairy tale. In my mind traits of a split personality would be posting on apostate web sites and still attending meetings? in defiance of your FDS. I'm still a nice guy you know.

    I didn't manage to finish it the second time around, the whole thing became pointless to me. Allalongthewatchtower

    I will finish reading at least once. But I am not ready yet to deny the existence of God, partly due to fear and partly due to the fact I've never read about Him. I only know what I was spoon fed as a Witless.

    So, is my Bible crap? Why would phrases be omitted like in Isaiah 44:24. I wonder what else might be missing. URGH!

    Have a great day everybody!


  • nvrgnbk

    Um, right now it is not clear at all.

    Yes BFD. Unclear is probably the very best word to describe the Bible.


  • Stealth453

    There is no god.

    Stop worrying. He does not exist.

  • Santisimo

    "Us" is a royal-plural form that is used several times in the Bible. Even in our time, when a monarch or head of state speaks on his own behalf - he refers to his state or kingdom as well. For example, Bush might say 'we will leave no child behind'. Prince Charles might say "let us work on behalf of AIDS victims in Africa". They always use the royal plural form. G-d also used this term when speaking of his creation. He was speaking on behalf of all his angels in the kingdom.

  • Terry

    The Hebrew understanding of what existed at "the beginning" was later considerably influenced by Greek ideas of the Logos.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    If "You will know the truth..and the truth will set you free".."and keep searching and it will be revealed to you"...what if the truth is we cannot possibly know what all this means without the Author revealing them to us personally?

    Can anyone figure out exactly what was going through Hitler's mind with him dead and gone? Or is he what ever you want him to be, without his intervention?

    He speaks to me all the time...and tells me what he wants from his followers...just listen to me and I will tell you..as you scrub my floors, and I screw your pooch...don't forget my 10% either...that is what Hitler wanted you know.

    You have got to be kidding...I cannot believe people still fall for this crap.

  • BFD
    I have been studing it for years looking for answers....yet for every answer I find there is a counter to it.

    Dragon, the above are your own words from a thread you started, and I understand the frustration there. I am happy for you that you have come to a conclusion but, I would hope you would allow others to continue on their journey for truth without hurling insults.

    Problem is..it seems to be a hopeless direction....and that was not exactly what i was trying to find. I would like to find a little hope.

    Again, totally understand where you were coming from here. Funny, that's what I am trying to find , too. Have you found it yet?

    I myself have not spent years studying the bible and probably won't either. But I would like to at least read the bible once through so I can come to my own conclusions.

    Thanks for your input.


  • Narkissos
    "Us" is a royal-plural form that is used several times in the Bible.

    Where? (I'm afraid Bush and Prince Charles do not count).

    There is a part of truth in your remark, though, inasmuch as the "assembly of 'El" is, indeed, pictured after the pattern of the court of ancient kings. However the "we" is no mere "plural of majesty" (as in "we are not amused") but does involve a real plurality of characters (princes, ministers, counsellors).

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