Mysterious letter

by winnie 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • winnie

    What's the 'mysterious letter' that follows you from one congregation to the next? What's in it, who writes it, and can you have access to your own and read what has been written about you?

    Growing up, we moved so many times that I can't even remember how many schools I went to, let alone where I completed each school year. Every time my parents argued with someone, usually disagreeing with elders, ms etc, we moved. Instead of sticking around and sorting the problems out, they packed up the house and moved, without even saying goodbye to anyone. I have lived in every state in Australia, and don't aske me how many towns. I lost count years ago. Funnily enough, most of these moves happened to coincide with the 'mysterious' letter that follows you to your next congregation. The elders must have to 'send' for your 'file' from the previous cong.

    By now, the letter about my parents should be a book, as they have upset so many congregations!

  • Sparkplug

    I have no idea, but one poster told me that after being gone for 5 years they have to purge your files. I sure hope this is so. I bet they had a book burning episode with me.

    My family was like yours and my mom moved us just the same. Every dispute, every disagreement. 'Tis a shame. I made more than the usual amount of friends, and I lost more than most. It sucks. I wonder how they are, who they married, what are their kids names and what happened in their lives. It is sad really to know so many people and not know a thing about them now. To think I went through a couple hundred people a year and now they are but a very thin memory. Sometimes I wonder if I am anything more than a good example of a bad example for them to tell the kiddos about. lol

  • winnie
    I wonder how they are, who they married, what are their kids names and what happened in their lives. It is sad really to know so many people and not know a thing about them now.

    I sometimes wonder that, then I wonder if they would ever remember me! It's hard, 'cause it's meant at my age, I don't have anyone that I can really call a friend. I envy those who can say they still have the same friends from childhood. It would be nice to know what that's like.

    Mrs Winnie

  • hazeleyes

    My understanding is that it is stating if you are in good standing or not. If you are a brother who is a MS or Elder, they state if they recommend if you be appointed in the new cong. Along with the letter that is sent is your record card with your hours on it.

  • OnTheWayOut

    It is a "Letter of Introduction" from a previous congregation that comes with your forwarded publisher's record.
    The letter always states whether you (and your family, as there is usually just one letter for an entire family)
    are in "good standing" and are active or inactive, regular or irregular.

    The letter tells the circumstances that previous elders think should be known by the next congregation-
    if there was some trouble with you, if there was a particular thing preventing you from having privileges in the
    congregation, anything they want to let them know.

    If you are in a congregation for a short time, they usually forward your last letter that came to them, and just
    add brief comments.

    A typical letter can, in 3 or so paragraphs, destroy you. "He misses many meetings. He never comments. He
    is rarely in the ministy. He doesn't take assignments seriously. He was not recommended as MS because...."

    For brothers leaving as elders and MS's, the letter states whether the previous congregation recommends them for
    continous service as such. The new congregation is not obligated either way to adhere to that. Pioneers are named
    by headquarters, so they don't need to be reappointed with their letter of introduction, but the letter always states how
    their ministry is going.

    Unless somebody goofs up, rank-and-file never see this letter.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Do they really have the right to prevent you from seeing that letter legally? Don't they have to let you see it upon your request?

  • winnie

    What gives them the right to forward such information? Why not let the next cong judge them for who they are, not what they have done?

    Couldn't this be construed as slander?

  • Quandry

    The WTS is an entity unto itself. They make their own rules. They do not have to show you the letter, and if it is not complementary, probably would not.

  • Blueblades

    You can ask your congregation elders to see the letter they are sending, or ask the elders in your new congregation to show you the letter sent to them. Then you can address any issues in the letter.


  • UnConfused

    ::I have no idea, but one poster told me that after being gone for 5 years they have to purge your files. ::

    Not to my knowledge. I don't believe this to be a directive from the society.

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