The Whole WTS is a corrupt bunch of lying false prophets!!

by cultswatter 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Robert222

    I think i can speak from experience. No JW knows what the 7 trumpets mean, and that is related to those 7 assemblies. Whenever I try and tell my sister these things, her viewpoint is that the men in the 1920's, 30's, 40's were wrong, but the governing body today is right. Armageddon is right around the corner, and we will all see it. The JW actually prefer to be dellusional, and feel they have special insight. Well after many yrs, I had to realize no one has special knowledge of the scriptures. They should be taken in context and they are stories about a certain period in time. the end - fine, it tells us of a world that is violent. As we know the world has always been violent. Our times are not any better or worse than two thousand yrs ago we just have more people.

  • Arthur
    As we know the world has always been violent. Our times are not any better or worse than two thousand yrs ago we just have more people.

    This is strong evidence, I believe, as to why it is very arbitrary and irrational to mark the beginning of the last days at 1914. The Black Death killed several times more than the Spanish influenza. The modern media chronicles every major act of violence (i.e. Coumbine, Virginia Tech, etc.) but Witnesses don't give much thought to the mass slaughters that were carried out by the Vikings, Mongol Hordes, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, and the genocide that was committed against native Americans.

    There seems to be a strange mental disconnect from history within the Watchtower organization. The Watchtower organization would have people believe that these phenomenons have become worse after 1914; which simply is not the case. To attempt to place all of the "Seven Trumpet Blasts" after 1914 is rather fanciful and immaginative at best.

  • Robert222

    Unless I missed it, I have never heard or read any real human history from the pages of the WA or from the platform.

    They talk endlessly about 1914 as a mark of the last days. NO MENTION of the violent, bloody past of the entire world, as stated here in a prior post - the Vikings, Mongols, genocide against Native Americans, etc. And what about the slaughter of catholic priests during the 1700's throughout England (i will have to look up my history) - but you will never hear this from the platform at a KH.

    It seems 1914 was the announcement of the first world war. It does not mean there was no violence, war, or disease on a global scale prior to that date. It makes me mental to think about this stuff! Any trying to communicate with an active JW makes me even more insane!!

  • Arthur
    It seems 1914 was the announcement of the first world war. It does not mean there was no violence, war, or disease on a global scale prior to that date. It makes me mental to think about this stuff! Any trying to communicate with an active JW makes me even more insane!!

    From a Biblical perspective, I think this is why it is much more accurate to place the beginning of the "last days" at Pentacost. It was shortly after the deaths of the apostles that persecution against Christians really got into full swing. And, as we have noted earlier, there were plagues, and famines that dwarfed plagues and famines of the 20th century.

    If anyone wants to attempt to interpret the Seven Trumpet Blasts of Revelation, (which I think is futile anyway) it would make much more sense to attribute these "blasts" to events which occured over a span of several centuries, instead of trying to arbitrarily tie them to events on one century.

  • Robert222

    Arthur, I agree. Pentacost would be a more accurate interpretation of the start of the last days. But i guess that does not sell the books that the WA publishes - which in fact, my family does not realize. What other publishing company forces "members" to go door to door to sell their books?? No wonder the society bans study of any materials other than their own. They completely ignore written human history found in countless books that fill libraries. Are all those books wrong, and WA material correct?

    The world "peaceful" prior to 1914? That Revelation Climax book is an embarassment and seems to have been written by persons with a High School education (no offense meant - I was barely able to finish High School let alone attend college - its just that there are not well-educated people at bethel and the blind sheep are following their interpretations).

  • Arthur
    That Revelation Climax book is an embarassment and seems to have been written by persons with a High School education (no offense meant

    LOL - Yes, in a number of years, it will be relegated to the "old light department" much like Rutheford's book: Enemies. The book's real value will prove to be that of a fictional work - much like the Turner Diaries and the Left Behind Series.

  • logic

    I agree with the seven trumpet thing also. I always thought that it was the nuttiest thing i had heard. I downloaded a perpetual calendar and tried to match up the dates with the days thing, i could not get anything to come out to match. Some others in the net have tried it also. and they couldn't either. Maybe someone has but I cant find any. Tried to show this to some JWS but got no where.

    Maybe some of you out there have had some luck with getting through to JWS , but they remind me of an ostrich with his head in the sand, he feels safe as long as he can't hear or see anything. The only way to get his head out is to kick him the butt, and then he is just gets mad.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I think this, from the Daniel book, has to be one of the watchtower's most stupid pronouncements

    In Daniel’s time Kittim was Cyprus. Early in the first world war, Cyprus was annexed by Britain. Moreover, according to TheZondervanPictorialEncyclopediaoftheBible, the name Kittim "is extended to include the W[est] in general, but esp[ecially] the seafaring W[est]." The NewInternationalVersion renders the expression "ships of Kittim" as "ships of the western coastlands." During the first world war, the ships of Kittim proved to be mainly the ships of Britain, lying off the western coast of Europe.

    Proved to be? Where do they get this rubbish from?

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    They simply continue to present their guesses as new information and facts recieved in private to those God has choosen to be your leaders and whom you should be obeying without question.

    Same old song and dance....and we have no way of discerning otherwise or proving otherwise other than the things they say and foretell not coming true. Even if a someone was given the divine answers to our questions and information on what it to would we even know for certain they were not just presenting their personal guesses as God's words like everyone else is?

    I don't see how we could tell the difference..

  • orangefatcat

    Sorry Arthur but I don't go for your first sentence.

    in my opinion the wts has lied so much that they are experts at and if per chance they get it wrong in writing they simply use a giant eraser to rub it out and put in another lie.

    they are so stupid that they believe their own jibberish. God only knows how long he will take their crap or wether or not God's cares about their lies and deciet anyway

    a post the other day about the WTC being destroyed by the hand of God is one typical misconception they have taught witnesses since its inception. Their pictorials in the literature is just another example of the stupidity and I feel really sorry for all the witnesses who keep swallowing up this drivel. Yes satan has indeed blinded them the witnesses I mean not the GB they know what they are doing. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at bethel when the WTC was destroyed, not wonder they paniced and locked down the bethel, they thought it was Armeggadon, so that goes to show you they are so misguided by thier own dillusions of gran·deur .

    Now I want to see how the society explains that...


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