Why can't I say what I really want too when faced with a JW?

by winnie 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    Does the shop have a security camera? Maybe you could buy the security tape of him looking at porn videos and send it to the congregation PO anonymously.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    SCULLY - in regard to what you just said...

    Mr Midwich commutes, and occasionally I've 'commuted' down to him, and while there I've been to local video shop where he'd often hire films for himself during week. Well, as I've been there while he was at work I'VE visited the hire shop (and they didn't really know me in there) and, so as not to DUPLICATE what he'd already hired, I ASKED the assistant what films he'd hired - and she just called up his account on the computer and reeled them off to me, lol (all Steven Seagal and Jean Claude Van Damme - nothing porn/interesting).

  • MidwichCuckoo

    I often forget my card my card when visiting the video shop - as long as I give my name AND address I'm allowed to hire films (one time someone hired a film on my daughter's card as they knew her address ).

    I know this is sneaky, but ...you could hire a few pornos out on his account OR BETTER... pose as his partner and ask casually, ''oh, can you check if Gary/Joe/Dilbert has already hired 'Sex Trek -The Next Penetration/Throbbin' Hood/Star Whores' OR, 'can you recommend a good porno that Gary/whoever hasn't seen yet?'

  • journey-on
    'Sex Trek -The Next Penetration

    LMAO...Did you make that up or is that a real porn flick?

  • NotaNess

    Also, instead of using disassociated, or disfellowshipped, when telling them your status, use words like "escaped", and "out of the darkness".

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