by juni 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    Thanks to all of you for you thoughts as I know this is a topic that goes to the core of our individual belief system. We all have to live with our choices no matter in what area they are.

    Even with opposing views we can still come together and enjoy one anothers' kindness.

    Peace to all of you,


  • FlyingHighNow

    Black Swan, again, this is a ban only on one particular barbaric form of abortion. This does not mean that a woman, whose life is truly in danger, cannot have her pregancy terminated. By the way, there are relatively few partial birth abortions performed annually. Of these, many are done due to downs syndrome, etc. At this point, in the opinions of some, this is a form of euthanasia.

    I think in the UK the baby is killed by an injection before the termination starts. Why doesn't that happen in the USA?

    Interesting choice of words. No offense to anyone who has chosen to have an abortion. I can understand being putting in the position of making such a choice, with earlier pregancies of course. I have two grown children. I imagine that at 48, I'd be pretty freaked out about finding myself pregnant again, especially considering that my children are very troubled adults. For me though, I don't think I could ever do it. Still, I can see how it would be tempting to consider. Unplanned babies, to me that is not a good reason to end a pregnancy. Hopefully people have much more profound reasons than simple poor planning to make such a life and death decision.

  • Tuesday

    Personally I feel if there's a chance the mother or the baby will not survive the birth then abortions can be deemed necessary. Not all issues will come along before the fetus if 5 months old. I'm against it if the person just doesn't want the pregnancy because there's an earlier point to have that discussion, but if there's an issue I support late-term abortions.

  • FlyingHighNow
    but if there's an issue I support late-term abortions.

    Late term and partial birth abortions are not always the same thing. Please keep in mind that we are discussing the partial birth abortion method. If the baby's life is in danger, how are you helping the baby to deliver its feet and then poke scissors up through the back base its skull, turning the brain to mush with the scissors and then suctioning out the brain? This makes the baby safer is what way?

  • Tuesday

    Late term and partial birth abortions are not always the same thing. Please keep in mind that we are discussing the partial birth abortion method. If the baby's life is in danger, how are you helping the baby to deliver its feet and then poke scissors up through the back base its skull, turning the brain to mush with the scissors and then suctioning out the brain? This makes the baby safer is what way?

    The method is the issue here it seems. I never said anything about helping the baby with this method, it's an abortion, the fetus will be killed regardless of the method. My standpoint is that if there is an issue, an abortion could be warranted. The reason I said late-term abortions is because in my mind I have an issue with what is considered late. I know my wife is 3 months pregnant now, and there could possibly be some issues with the pregnancy, we won't know for another month, and even then the doctor could say "let's track this and see in another month" at which point it's considered late term when in reality it would be the first point we would really be finding out the issue at hand. Maybe my issue is a discussion for another thread though, so if I'm confusing the issue at hand whether the idea of a partial-birth abortion (which from what I read was the term given to a late term abortion by a pro-life politician) being the time in which the baby is aborted and the method which is used I apologize.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Something to keep in mind, too is that if the baby might not survive birth, doctors will follow the pregancy along until the baby might live outside then deliver it by c-section, giving it the best chances for survival. With any form of abortion, the mother delivers a dead baby and the baby's chance for survival has just been made toast.

    When a mother has a tubal pregnancy, the doctors must remove the baby before it ruptures the fallopian tube. In this case neither the mother nor the child can survive if the baby grows big enough. There are times when the mother has cancer and needs treatment or some other problame needing treatment that might harm the baby. Women in these circumstances have to make the decision whether or not they will forgo treatment and hope to survive the pregnancy. Sometimes they choose to get the treatment and keep the pregnancy and have it monitored closely. Others opt to have the pregnancy terminated, usually through c-section. It's all very personal. I am just hoping that if a mother chooses to end her pregnancy, she will not allow it to be done in a barbaric way.

  • juni

    Your first paragraph flyinghighnow is good information for tuesday which I hope their doctor will go over with them.

    Your second paragraph, good information and I'm with you on that.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    FHN: I am aware of the procedure being spoken of. As I said, differences of perspective.

  • FlyingHighNow
    FHN: I am aware of the procedure being spoken of. As I said, differences of perspective.

    Mothers still have the right to choose to end their pregancies if their own lives are in danger. They just can't use this method any longer. Amen to that.

  • Sasha

    I totally agree with juni....When I explained this procedure to my girlfriend of 40 plus years, she thought I was making it up. She could not imagine something like this has been in existince. She still does not believe it. She said she will do her own research. Horrible. It most certainly should be illegal. Imagaine being the Doctor that preforms these things???? How does he sleep at night?

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