1995 The Year That Saw A Turning Point

by The wanderer 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    I left in 1987 knowing that sooner or later they would have to change this teaching. My point was that generation meant the vast majority of it, being there to see the end and not just a few thousand persons in their 80's and 90's out of the hundreds of millions that made it up. But clearly it suited the purposes of the WTS to claim that a generation meant it taking it very near to its total end. They kept profiting by extending it and then in 1995 those that had invested in it a great deal learnt that it was just a bubble.

  • juni

    I had already DAed myself in ' 92 so I wasn't around when that "new light" shown.

    But I do remember that this 1914 generation was getting very up in years and that's when they still held to the teaching (I believe unless they had changed that also) that "this generation" would by no means pass away. Didn't see how they could keep holding onto the old thought for much longer.


  • penny2

    1995 was particularly significant to those who had already lived through 1975. To think I should have started investigating 20 years before is annoying. Oh well, better late than never.

  • jakes

    Yes! 1995 was the turning point for me.It shook me hard although I stayed in for +/- 6 more years and then gradually faded.


  • bluebell

    1995 just passed my by, I was 19 and although baptized was never much of a studier or thinker. My turning point(s) were when i told the elders about my father and he got away scot free for molesting me, losing his eldership doesn't count as punishment in my view, especially as he can get it back. and as for 911- i though ooh armageddon too, but not with alot of relish, more fear.

    My turning point really and truly was AFTER i had left, when my nan died and my sister phoned to tell me that i was dead and she'd never see me again but she would see nan. I then realised that there was no true love in the borg, it is all conditional. actually most of my sisters "loving" comments over the years before i left were small turning points lol

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