"This Shows We're Living In The Last Days"......Your response???

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • reneeisorym

    Then you have the preterists that use world events to prove that saten is bound and we are in the 1,000 years. How can the same world events prove that a.) the world is horrible and nearing its end in the last days and b.) we're in the millineum and saten is tied up so things are better than ever?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Such comments come not from a great insight into what is going on in the world today but instead from a complete ignorance of the past.

    People just don't realize that there was a time that they where not on this planet and that things could have been just as bad (if not much worse) for the millions of people who have walked upon the surface of this earth not in the so called 'last days'.

  • Alana

    I agree with the other reply that simply states to look at a history book. I love history and almost only read non-fiction so my eyes were opened long ago about all this "world is falling apart" business. JW’s isolating members from outside research and/or education and spoon feeding them only what you want them to know sure helps to feed this "the sky is falling" mentality.

    I know when things happen either locally or elsewhere that is bad, my mom sincerely gets so concerned and scared about how awful the world is now days. The last time she did that (about a month or so ago), she didn't quite know how to respond since I didn't just agree and parrot her thoughts like her JW friends would. I said that I was grateful to live in this day and age and felt more secure because as history shows at least we are somewhat more civilized, there have been such advances in medicine, etc. I brought up other periods in time and how I would have not liked living then and how I would be more fearful in those situations. (i.e., times of plague, the Inquisition, peasant life, the lawless Wild West, the days of Lady Bathory and Vlad the Impaler, not to mention just the many plagues and battles and famines not only in the Bible but throughout all history. There are past times in history that not only was it hard to live to the ripe old age of 50, but when just going out of your shack/home could result in your death or disappearance. The difference today is that we hear about it all almost instantaneously and can hear about news from all over the world and not just our community…..blah, blah, blah. There was just silence on the other end of the phone and then she changed the subject.

    What I hate the most is how it plays on the minds of sincere people like my mom. She is truly scared of this mean old world, rather than trying to enjoy what time she has and looking for good and happiness.

  • heathen
    Then you have the preterists that use world events to prove that saten is bound and we are in the 1,000 years. How can the same world events prove that a.) the world is horrible and nearing its end in the last days and b.) we're in the millineum and saten is tied up so things are better than ever?

    Who are these people that say satan is already bound and the millenium started? dubbys don't believe that .

    anyway I'd be inclined to agree with your mother minimus . People are lacking in the natural affection as prophesied and the world is a pretty nasty disgusting place with greed and very low morals ruling the day . The WTBTS uses it to get people to feel they need to put more time in field service and raising money for the org. Not even scientists think life on this planet is immune from being destroyed and expect some cataclysm in the near future that would put an end to the world as we know it.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    What I really appreciate about the Old Testament and the tribe in general, is that there is horrible violence within the first chapters....man is essentially no different now than we were then. There was murder then, there is murder now. The only difference now is that certain self righteous religions and people try to act like they are near perfect by dressing a certain way and behaving in public a certain way. But in the end, except for the fluffernutters, all people are essentially the same. We have good and bad in us, JW and nonJW alike. The world will go on just as it has, long after we are gone...and in the end we are all about as important as the gnats on a cows behind.

  • TopHat

    If they keep saying the world is coming to an end.....one day they might be right...........for them and the WTS

  • Brigid

    I do wish them Love and Light, though

    LOL! Of course you do baby. Of course you do.

    It's called engaged detatchment, my love....really....seriously...I do!!! LOL!

  • AlphaOmega

    Mary said... (By the way Mary, love the avatar photo pose. Is it you? Sorry, if it someone famous - not up on celebrities)

    What about the Black Death in Europe during the Middle Ages?

    I was thinking about that today. Afterall, the plague was rife in London in 1665, and what with the fire that we had here in 1666, people were probably shouting that it was the end then.

    Especially since 1666 has connotations to the number of the beast !

    Shame that the Watchtower wasn't about then - I wonder what it would have made of it?



    No wonder many considered it a judgment from God when first the plague and then the Great Fire of London swept through the metropolis in 1665 and 1666.

    People have always been doing bad things since they have been on this planet.

    But today, there are more of us - hence more people doing bad things (but probably the same percentage?).

    Also we have the instant media to bring the news to us, so we get to hear and see these events. Making it appear that it occurs more often.

    Imagine the headlines on CNN or the BBC if they had exsisted during the Viking invasions, the Black Death etc...

    Infact some comentators think that we are actually more peacable and noble NOW than in the past. I won't bore people, but you can always Google a phrase such as ' are we more violent than our ancestors ' .

  • xjwms

    I was wondering when this topic would come up.

    One depressed Cho goes wild, and we are living in the last days. OOO---KKKAY


  • marsh

    Some say we are living in the last of the last days?

    A Mills, pre mills, pan mills, post mills, mixed up mills.

    Well at least we can discuss the last days without Watchtower glasses on.Hey,and you can have an opinion.

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