So have you heard this one?

by pollyana 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • pollyana

    The JW's knocked on my friends' door while he was cleaning his bird cage. The JW's said "we'd like to give you something" and handed him a copy of the latest WT. He said, "great, that's just what I need, thanks" and placed it in the bottom of the birdcage then slammed the door in the JW's faces.

  • greendawn

    Welcome to the forum polyanna I notice this is your first post. I never heard that before but given the quality of the WT magazines and the danger in that it promotes a harmful cult, that was a very suitable use for it to gather bird droppings.

  • MsMcDucket

    Hi Pollyanna! Nope never heard that one before. It's a good one. This is your first post, so welcome to the forum! This is an ex-JW board, but everyone's welcome. Well that's what they told me!??

  • FireNBandits

    Hi Pollyanna! It's good to see another newbie!

    I haven't heard that story before, but I hope it's true, I really do. Too bad I don't have a bird anymore. I can tell you another story that I'm fairly sure is true. I think it's in the book Thirty Years A Watchtower Slave, but I'm unsure. Someone asked a Dub why he read the Tower and he answered "Because I get light from it." The inquirer responded "The only way you can get light from a Watchtower magazine is to set it on fire."

    Again, welcome Pollyanna. -Martin

  • juni

    Welcome Pollyanna!

    I never heard of that before either, but I do know from experience that the mags. make for wonderful traction when you're stuck in the snow. I found this out when stuck in the field while pioneering!


  • ninja

    uh oh the budgie thinks that 1914 was when jesus invisble presence happened....and it might...just might be able to get to heaven now the 1935 date has been changed

  • owenfieldreams

    good one!

  • Sasha

    A tad rude. I might have waited for them to leave first, but thanks for the tip. I have many feeders and that might be a good use for them!

  • Stealth453

    Welcome Pollyana.

    Very funny story. Look forward to hearing more from you.

  • bigmouth

    Welcome F'n'B!!
    '"The only way you can get light from a Watchtower magazine is to set it on fire."--doesn't work man, they wont burn. You should just pack them into boxes and store them in the garage. That's what everybody else does.

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