Any of you guys into cooking?

by zagor 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • zagor

    I have to admit, for many years I hated it. But it wasn't always so. Before I got married I used to do lots of my own cooking and enjoy artistry of it. Heck, I'm not saying I was an expert at it but the important thing was I loved it.
    But then things hit the fan and for years after, particularly because being on my own now, I would find any and every excuse in the cookbook not to do it lol.

    But lately I'm watching Jamie Oliver on telly and really getting an itch to get into it again and have friends over like it used to be before. Heck, seems I'm coming the full circle back to where I was before.

    I just came back from shopping, got lots of exotic and not so exotic veggies olive oil, some red Italian vino, lots of dry prosciutto, and 4 pounds of baby squid. I'm having a small party here tonight but most importantly I want to do lots of that myself. Hell, I've got this new kitchen I hardly touched so it is the time to kick the pig, lol.

    Anyway, just wondering if any of you share the same interest.

  • purplesofa

    i used to be into cooking too.......and then cooking for one was not so great.

    BUT.........lately I have been online collecting recipes and wanting to cook again.

    Just seems relaxing and good for me as well.

    Have fun.


  • zagor

    Thanks Purps I will, and since you are looking for recipes you might as well check his web site, guy is awesome. I don't know if he is popular or even known in States but here, he's a real star. Anyway, check it out.

  • averyniceguy

    Well, I do not like to cook, thought about cooking. I just eat out!

  • zagor

    LOL averyniceguy, I know the feeling. Maybe this changes your mind, cooking can be sexy you know lol

  • BrentR

    I am very much into gourmet BBQing and most types of grilling. My mom never allowed me into the kitchen when I was a kid. That was the domain of women in her 1950's brain. It wasn't until I was in junior high and home economics classes were required for all students that I had any training in cooking. So for me it's an artistic and creative outlet vs my wife who considers it just another task.

    Thanks to Emeril on the Food Network you can now be a "man's man" and still enjoy cooking.

    I also like making my own sourdough starter and home made butter to go with it. If you have not had homemade sourdough bread with fresh churned butter then you have not lived yet. If you come to my place for grub you will not need to eat again for at least two days.

    Edited to add: Any of you single guys out there keep in mind that women cannot resist a guy that can cook. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

  • Sparkplug

    I LOVE to cook. When I can afford to cook what I want. If is not always so fun to Have to cook. Here is an old family favorite. (not so much cooking as in cold blending...but 'tis good!) I double dog dare you to make it! It is super simple and taste just like key lime pie. So yummy and really shines a table up for summer.

    In a blender.

    Put the fruit of 1 large or two medium avocados.

    i can eagle brand sweetened condensed milk

    2/3 cup real lemon

    1 teaspoon vanilla

    blend well till creamy smooth

    place in graham cracker crust and set in fridge till it sets firm. it will set quite well.

    top with real whipped cream. (for more thickness or just a pre made whipped cream if you want speedy results)

    slice a lime and or a lemon very thin for garnish. twist and curl the ends to make it pretty. You also can use a couple whole fresh berries for each slice just for color.

  • Sparkplug

    ps, I brought home baby squid from the asian market a month ago maybe...and my family loooked at me like I had gone mad. They should be used to this by now! What?

  • hambeak

    Love to cook and experiment.

    Get a pork loin wrap it in bacon and put 2 cans of golden mushroom soup over it and bake for 2 hours in a 400 degree oven covered. also put onions all over it and serve with egg noodles very good at least we like it

  • sspo

    If i don't cook I don't eat.

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