grammer and spelling

by Hortensia 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • valkyrie

    Glad I could make you laugh!


  • juni

    Funny thread really!

    I'm so anal - I try to watch my spelling and grammar closely. Just me. I used to do a lot of typing for work so I just naturally watch myself.

    What annoys me are signs that are professionally done w/incorrect spelling. Otherwise I just over look misspelled words of others. It's what they are saying that is important to me.


  • Hortensia

    this is a funny thread - thanks! I'm with jgnat - I make part of my living by writing, so I read with kind of an editor's mind. Never wanted to be an English teacher, and as my spelling mistake shows, wouldn't be that good at it. I wouldn't be a good editor either, but what I am is a person who writes obscure textbooks on a specific subject, which are edited by someone else. And for those who didn't take it with a grain of humor, I'm sorry. I don't mean to make life hard for newbies, as I am one. I love the funny threads on this forum, just not that funny myself!

    by the way, when I first posted this, I noticed that the word "love" is underlined and linked to some crappy website. Not my doing, don't know how that happened!

    Now is isn't underlined. Is the JWD forum playing mind games with me?

  • onacruse

    This thread just made me do a reverberating belly-chuckle.


    ps: I've noticed that certain key words pop up with links. I don't know why.

  • journey-on

    When I first started posting, the same hyperlink thingy happened to me and I posted the question for Tech Support and they said Simon has an arrangement with advertisers that key certain words in a post to trigger the ad. It's "to help pay the bills" according to what I was told.

  • BFD
    I could care less - you can not get anymore incorrect than that

    I could care less but, it would take a lot of effort.


  • Hortensia

    I'm home from work, wondering what new annoying thing I can say to keep this thread going. I have to say "I could care less" has never seemed logical to me if what you are trying to express is that you don't care at all. Thanks for the info about the ads - I have noticed that the ads on the page seem related to the subject of the posts - now I know why. But something I have been wondering is, who is Simon?

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Dear Hortensia,

    When you start a new paragraph, it is proper to indent your first line five spaces. Just thought you should know.

    Your sister in Christ,

    Horrible Life

  • MsMcDucket

    In health care we use partial sentences a lot. We'll start off with "The patient" has no s/s of pain or discomfort; wound is healing appropriately; no s/s of bleeding or infection; no requests for pain meds; family in to visit today. Now the medical legal aspects of medicine is requesting that nurse's not use abbreviations or medical or scientific terms/signs. We can't write MSO4, Pt, HS, MS etc. People are not using the terms correctly or mistaking it for something else. Like mistaking s/s for sliding scale instead of signs or symptoms, Pt for patient or physical therapy, MS for morphine sulfate or magnesium sulfate; so now they just want us to write out the whole word.

    I find myself using medical terms or using partial sentences on here, as well as, leaving out verbs and such. I have got to work on that.

  • exwitless

    Along the same lines, here's a link to a thread about misspelled and mispronounced words, or general grammar errors (in case you missed it):

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