by juni 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyHaszard
    it's almost like being in Church, sometimes!

    I attended the UU church in Bangor for a couple of years i was impressed how much FUN it was really

  • juni

    Hi dawg!

    Sure they believe. But are they happy? Consensus is that most are not. Just going through the motions. Why do they hang on to it? Because they feel it's the only way to get to "paradise".

    Thanks for venting. Hope you feel a little better.

    Juni just relax and enjoy this song from the ' 80s.

  • dawg

    Now wait a damnminute Hazard! What the hell's wrong with being an adict? Damn you man!

  • dawg

    and as for you Juni, I hope happiness lays its hands upon your life force... You seem to be one damn great human being.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    I remember when I was a teenager I was always attracted to the congregation Io eventually joined because there was such a great social life amongst the youngsters and some great characters. Over the years this has definitely changed and even though our congregation still has some genuine, loving, caring, funny people who enjoy themselves, mainly social gatherings are limited to when people leave the congregation (how bizarre to bring everyone together to celebrate them leaving!!) - even baby showers are frowned on by some (how sad). Ironically I was having a chat with my mum about how difficult I was finding things with no social life at the hall (putting it down to i) no one wants to invite us to anything because we're not 'spiritual' enough or ii) no one's doing anything anyway) and the fact that many new 'worldly' friends I am making are inviting us to events all over the place (mainly birthdays). It's no great loss though - most witnesses aren't doing that much interesting with their life (no time what with secular work, meetings, ministry and study - many are so tired they don't have the energy and lust for life) and when you do spend time with witness friends you can't have any thought provoking spiritual discussions with anyone because everyone's afraid of apostacy or believes exactly the same as you do anyway and so, as a fader, I'm beginning to relish the idea of spending more time with more interesting 'worldly' people. I reckon it all started to go downhill when they stopped selling doughnuts, ice cream and bacon butties at the assemblies!!

  • bronzefist


    Some will always be wearing those rose colored glasses even when they're neck deep in manure. However, the shine from years ago has worn off most who once wore those glasses. Any sane/rational person can only hide what is before their eyes constantly for so long before they stop believing the lies. Take away the anti-depressants from those still attending and see what happens attendence wise.


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