Google earth adds Crises in Darfur, you must check this out

by needproof 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • needproof

    Erm, I am not blaming the US for the crises, read the posts.

  • Jourles
    Question(possibly a stupid one):

    Are you being sarcastic Jourles, or are you serious?

    I'm finding it fun to start posting sarcastic replies because it is interesting to show what the other side is really thinking. Some of these republican/neocon/whatever posters may not come right out and say it, but they sure as hell are thinking it.

    If you thought my original reply was dumb, cruel, or mean, then at least you got my point. Just you having to ask if it was sarcastic or not shows that my statements were incredulous to some people.

  • EnlightenedMind

    Thanks for posting this, needproof. I was aware of the Darfur crisis, but I was not fully aware of all of the politics behind it.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    Yet again we have global politics being played by proxy in Africa and double standards abound. As in many other countries, the USA has armed guerillas who have then pursued their own agenda and Washington have condemned them once they have decided tonot toe the line.

    I find it ironic that some people should suggest boycotting the Beijing olympics due to China's human rights abuses when the USA is guilty of it's own abuses - Guantanamo Bay, forced rendition, secret CIA prisons in Eastern Europe. China's human rights abuses are terrible, and I am not suggesting that US abuses are as bad, but it does stink of double standards.

    Yet again we see childish posturing from the neocons, obviously anything is justified if it is "protecting America's interests".

    International politics is all about cause and effect, the US took Iranian diplomats/spies prisoner and Iran proceeds to take 15 UK personel prisoner. Until we all wake up to what our governemts are doing and hold them accountable, there will continue to be power hungry idiots starting wars to line their own pockets.

    It amazes me that despite all the money made by companies like Haliburton and the openess with which they have created slush funds for the republicans that Bush still has not been impeached

  • TopHat

    Satan's little of all people should know...'There is no justice in this world"

  • purplesofa

    I was thinking today about the crisis in Darfar and the oil there and the comment in the previous reply

    that China is bankrolling Darfur's genocide?

    I was wondering what your thoughts were about this. America won't touch Darfur because of Chinas backing and thats just what we dont need is a fight with China. A war with China will be nothing like a war in Iraq.


    I still think of the people in Darfur.

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