Difficult to build faith up at church after leaving WTS

by White Dove 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    XJW, do you believe that we're in some 'marked' period of time, and that very soon those of us who haven't 'relied on the right persons work' are in for some very bad treatment at the hands of some invisible supernatural beings?

    Same shit, different sugar-coating.

  • Carmel

    Just curious... If the bible is a compilation of myths (which much of it is in my mind) then how is it that the jealous, vengful, wrathful God depicted therein is taken to be literal? Seems some have come to terms with the mythology but conveniently hang on to literalism as a reason to reject the validity of the bible.. Isn't this a little bit of a contradiction? carmel

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Honey, if the Pentecostals can't get you going, nobody can. They're hardcore believers, aren't they?

    Maybe you should look into a Humanist group or something a little tamer and more intellectual and less emotional than Pentecostalism, even if you love it. I had some Pentecostal friends in high school. They were very sweet girls, a lot like some of the Jehovah's Witness girls . . . .

  • Inquisitor


    Yes, there is a "saved vs. unsaved" mentality, however the biggest difference between the Dubs and where I am at now is this: I truly care about the people I talk to, and do not view them as a magazine placement, return visit or Bible study. Instead the person is a person, and not a number.

    Perhaps this is true for you back when you were a JW. But surely there are JWs who truly care about the people they preach to. Not all JWs are heartless, scheming, sales people. So then how does pentecostal evangelism differ from JW evangelism?


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote
    So then how does pentecostal evangelism differ from JW evangelism?

    No difference whatsoever.

  • helncon

    I have no desire to be affliated with any religion.

    I have been out of the JW for a long time and i don't wish to have anything to do with any religion.

    Though i have to say i recently went to my daughters church (anglican) and listened to what the preacher was saying.

    It just brought back so many memories and it was like listening to the JW he used the exact same parrables (sp?)

    I now refuse to go to the family service every 3 months.


  • yaddayadda

    It all depends on what exactly you have lost your faith in.

    Have you lost your belief in a personal God? Have you lost your belief in the Bible as the word of God? Have you lost your belief in Jesus, ie, you no longer trust the gospels as historical, trusthworthy documents? Or have you just lost your faith in organised religion?

    Depending on what level your faith has diminished, the task for you then is to go hunt out all the many resources available in books and on the internet that can help you restore your faith in whatever you have lost your faith in. It will take some digging and mental effort but it is worth it.

    After leaving the JW's I did exactly this. I was troubled by scepticism about nearly everything (except that I never doubted there is a God), but I persevered in my research and have now found a solid platform for my faith. I've found there is considerable evidence for taking what is really just a small step to having faith as a Christian; it is not a giant leap of incredulity.

    I am happy to provide you with some sources if you send me a PM.


  • esw1966

    I go to two community churches each weekend now and I love them both!

    Christ the King and Cornwall Church. I also recommend Mars Hill Church.

    I stayed away from church for 6 months at least. Then my girlfriend said it was time for me to start looking. I began by listening to a ton of stuff on my ipod. The three churches above I have found life changing and very positive.

    I also encourage The Daily Audio Bible by Brian Harding on iTunes for a reading of the Bible. He reads a different translation each week. I have found that VERY encouraging as well.

    I hope you find your faith! Christ the King is very good at bring you to Christ! That is the central them to everything they say - Jesus! I think that is how it should be.

    Hope you find your joy! Keep searching and asking and you will get it! Come to Jesus! He is your answer! I also found Christian radio very upbuilding. At first, I was repelled by it before I was born again, but now that is all I listen to.



    XJW, do you believe that we're in some 'marked' period of time, and that very soon those of us who haven't 'relied on the right persons work' are in for some very bad treatment at the hands of some invisible supernatural beings?


    While I am a Pentecostal in relation to worship, I do not hold to every Pentecostal doctrine. That is the fun of being free. I believe that this world is racing towards the end, and yes, I do believe that there will be a Christless eternity for those that do not accept the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. However, that is your own choice. Why should God get blamed for something you chose to reject? If you don't want to live for Him now, why would you want to spend eternity with Him? So don't blame God for the consequences of your choices.

    Secondly, I do not hold to the traditional view of hell. The Bible uses human language and thought to describe what hell is like, that is while it is called utter darkness, and a place were the fire never dies. Sounds contradictory on the surface, but not when you consider the times the Bible was written, and the genre of Jewish literature those t4exts are taken from.



    Yes, there is a "saved vs. unsaved" mentality, however the biggest difference between the Dubs and where I am at now is this: I truly care about the people I talk to, and do not view them as a magazine placement, return visit or Bible study. Instead the person is a person, and not a number.

    Perhaps this is true for you back when you were a JW. But surely there are JWs who truly care about the people they preach to. Not all JWs are heartless, scheming, sales people. So then how does pentecostal evangelism differ from JW evangelism?


    The purpose of evengelism, there is no such thing as "pentecostal evangelism" is to present the bad news and the good news. The bad news is that a person broken God's law in deed, word and thought, and that there will be a day in which that person will stand before God to answer for his/her sin. Since God does not grade on a curve, we will only allow those that have perfectly kept his Law into His kingdom. His party, His rules.

    The good news, is that Jesus' death paid for every sinful deed, word & thought committed by the person, and lived the perfect life God demands from that person. Because of this, Jesus was raised from the dead, and his perfect life is now imputed to us. We now have a promise of eternal life because of his work.

    This is the message that the Apostles preached, but is not preached by the JWs. Evangelism is giving people the opportunity to hear this message, and either accept it or reject it. The choice is theirs. I don't understand what the problem is with people that do not like the fact that God removes people that don't want to be with Him now from is presense forever.

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