Noob Here . . go easy on me

by Locutus of Borg 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    Regarding my Screen Name: Locutus of Borg . . . as great STNG fans, the Borg episode were the favorites of me and my lovely wife. We immediately recognised them as valid metaphors of the WTBTS . And like Jean Luc, although having escaped, there remains permanent damage and there will be suffering till the end our days with the consequences of having been plugged into the collective hive. It's like the Hotel California . . you can check out, but you can never leave. Cliche, I know, but very accurate . .

    Regarding my Avatar: The great final scene in that SciFi cult classic "Inavasion of the Body Snatchers". For the last year or so in I was feeling like the character Nancy Bellicec (played by Veronica Cartwright) every time I stepped into a KH or spoke to the elders (lowercase) when she finds Donald Sutherland and discovers that he has been absorbed, taken over, converted, asimmilated. And realizes that she is ALONE . . . totally, utterly, wretchedly, hopelessly . . . alone.

    Peace everyone and thank you all for the very warm welcome.

  • SacrificialLoon

    Resistance is not futile. :)

    Welcome. I think my favorite Borg episode was the one with Hugh.

  • LeslieV

    welcome and congrats on your successful life outside of the borg.


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