How stunningly gorgeous is this?!!

by Crumpet 26 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Crumpet

    Restrangled - I live in an apartment block so it won't be going outside but it gets full sunlight and plenty of fresh air from the window.

    I'd love to have more - but I don't want to push my luck and besides I spent the weekend going through my huge book collection at ex Mr C's and had to give more than half to charity as I simply don't have room. So no room for more plants either, but then this one is so startling and it never bloomed like this back at ex Mr C's either.

    Greendawn - lady's finger - somehow apt in this particular apartment, since I actually own one although its not a flower.

    Just out working on my yard a bit more today, and thought of something, Crumpet. Do your Hibiscus bring to mind sex?

    Knowing you a bit, I'm aware nearly everything does, but really. The flowers are flaming red and wide open...then they calm down and relax. Your thoughts?

    Confession - whatever gives you that idea! And thank you Bernadette for putting it so nicely! Okay yes I have to admit I stared at it long and hard and admired the long tongue. The detail in itself is quite incredible. Someone asked if I have a zoomy camera - I probably do but these pics were taken on my phone. Its funny I actually bought it in the town I now live in over a year ago never thinking I was going to end up bringing it back to this town and living on my lonesome with it. I bought it because it reminded me of Hibby the sweet bible apologist who used to post here and to my shame I teased mercilessly! Anyway its two sister blossoms look ready spill open in the next day or two and I can't wait! Oh my life is just so exciting. (thanks warlock and what a coincidence) xx

  • Confession

    I actually had to shop for a Hibiscus earlier today, since one of mine was ruthlessly murdered by an especially brutal frost here this past Winter. I discovered they come in more than one color. From your photo, it appears yours is more the pink variety. And while "pink" can certainly conjure up something pleasant, you should see the bright red!

  • new boy
    new boy

    Crumpet.............nice buds.

    I think you have way to much time on your hands.

  • juni

    I love hibiscus. Yours is beautiful Crumpy girl - thanks for posting.

    I waited until my Easter lily was done and then planted it outside one year. Cut it back and mulched it and covered it w/a turned over clay pot before winter. It came back in the spring just beautifully. Each new spring there were more and more flowers. It was an experiment as I live in Wisconsin which is a cold state.

    Often times too, greenhouse plants just don't do well after transplanting.

    Juni PS - I thought you were posting a pic of your tattoo!

  • R.Crusoe

    You have a beautiful pink flush crumpet!

    And the hibiscus seems to be doing well!

  • Crumpet

    Newboy - not too much time on my hands to appreciate nature or tend to it!

  • avidbiblereader

    Thanks Crumpet, they are stunning. I love flowers as they are a marvel of creation, such intricate designs.

    I cant wait until it is planting time here.


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