I feel like bitching! :)

by onacruse 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • onacruse



    Now this is better than Advil!

    What "women" thence to whom are you referencing thereby and forthcoming?

  • HappyDad


    I've been there. It aint pretty!

    Every one of us good ol boys over 50 looks in the mirror and says.............."What the hell happened"?

    Get some rest. You'll be ok in a few weeks.

    HappyDad (of the over 60 class)

  • needproof


    Gotta go!

  • onacruse

    hillbilly, you must be buying some damn cheap plywood, at $50 (if the edges matter). Here, any finish grades of plywood start at $75.

    Testerday was the first day I have ever complained at Home Depot...and, when I talked to the manager, I suggested that maybe the fellow was just not having a good day. But that fellow also maltreated another lady customer, right beside me...that, I just couldn't stand by and take.

    And now it's raining all over my bags of sand...1500# turns into 2,000# in an instant.

  • hillbilly

    I havn'nt bought much in a little while.... the last B/C exterior I bought brought on a mild cardiac event..........


  • onacruse

    roflmao @ needproof!

    HappyDad, the last time I laid sod (like what? about 10 years ago?), I got really dizzy afterwards, and it just wouldn't go away...so I went in and had a checkup. The doc told me that I'd just stirred up all the crap in my inner ears (maybe he was referring to something else?? LOL), and that was the problem. I asked what he could do, and he said "Nothing...it will just all go away in about 6 weeks!"

  • onacruse

    hillbilly, speaking of which...it's been a long time since we chatted. p/m me, eh?

  • bikerchic


    Anyway, my poor old body (54 years old) foolishly listened to my 18-year old brain and said (like that little devil on the shoulder): "Sure, you can do it, you can do it!!!"


    I really couldn't believe the determination in ona to get this done! Sod delivered at 8 am....by 9 he had almost one pallet laid out.....I was leaving for work at 10 and he said when I get home the whole back yard will be done. Ha! I had my doubts and really didn't want him to push himself, man that is a lot of sod! We have a huge back yard!

    Well I'm be darned if I didn't have a back yard good enough to go putting in (I'm seriously thinking of taking up golf) when I got home 5 hours later! Ona was so proud of himself! So was I, that and impressed! Wow what instant green does for a backyard is awesome!

    So one happy wife, one happy puppy and one very tired, cranky, and achy husband......such is life!

    And now it's raining all over my bags of sand...1500# turns into 2,000# in an instant.

    ......yeah there will be no pavers going in anytime soon.......looks like we're in for a few days of the wet stuff....if I didn't know better I would think he prayed for rain!

    Well I'll post up some before and after pics soon as I can figure out my digital camera.....now I've got to get to the painting project we started a couple of weeks ago, sigh.

    Yeah work, women and bitching........hey did I mention how tired my finger is from waving it at ona? LOL

  • lawrence


    The good news! It wasn't for a quick build, or an assembly hall renovation.

  • nvrgnbk
    It wasn't for a quick build, or an assembly hall renovation.

    LMAO @ lawrence!

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