What about the children?

by sweetone2377 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    April says she likes to:

    scare the hell out of all the kids.

    Her next comment is:

    My kids will know what it's like to be normal.

    Is it just me or did anyone else find this hysterical?


  • Tatiana

    Lisa, now that I read it again, it is hysterical! But, it wasn't meant as literal. Kids these days don't actually have the "hell scared out of them", after being raised on Jason and Freddy movies! And "normal" is being scared silly with imaginary ghouls, goblins, and ghosts, instead of having your house torn apart by your jw mom, while she looks for real "demonic objects", and REALLY scares the hell out of you, so that you dream about demons and Armageddon.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • LDH

    April, I concur wholeheartedly. The wording did make me laugh though. Just an example of the keyboard getting ahead of the brain.

    I'm still laughing.


    (ps-my daughter and her two girlfriends are going to be 'demon triplet babies' for Halloween. I think it's funnier than hell.)

  • Tatiana

    Lisa, believe me when I say it's not that hard for my keyboard to get WAY ahead of my brain!! LOL

    And I think it's wonderful that your kids and mine can walk around like "demon triplet babies",(toooo funny) or the "Grim Reaper", (as my nine year old wants to be, and not think twice about it.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • LDH

    I guess in 20 years or so our kids will be sitting around some board bitching about their parents. By then they'll have converted to summat like Ba'hai or Jainism and they'll be denouncing the 'normal childhood' we're working so hard to give them, ROFLMAO.


  • FormerOne

    I, for one, don't "blame" my parents for how I was raised. When you're in the midst of the organization, you're blinded to reason. Now that I've grown and made the decision FOR MYSELF to leave, I don't want to hold a grudge against my parents for things I missed out on.

    The past is the past!

    Sure I'm not happy about the fact that I didn't go to college and puruse a career I'd really enjoy. Sure I had many 'embarassing' moments during my school years with things I couldn't participate in. Sure most of my family members now feel it's taboo to talk to me.

    But can I let it ruin the rest of my life? No! I realize that I've come out INTO the light and can now start living it the way that I want, not the way other people tell me to. I can't FOCUS on the negative, it would only lead to depression. What I can do is LEARN from the negative, vowing that it will never ruin my life or the lives of my children.

    I'm a much happier person and am thrilled that my children will grow up with all the opportunities that I never had.

  • sweetone2377

    Tatiana ~ My sister and I were the only witnesses at our school also, and in a small town to boot! At least untill high school, then another family who allowed their kids to go to public school moved to our town. Although, because they were closely related to one of the elders they were able to be involved in sports, etc, where the rest of us were not. Now that was hard. Try explaining to the kids at school why one witness child can do such and such, while you cannot.

    I think that JW's expect too much of thier children, esp the really small ones. A child shouldn't have that kind of responsibilty on their shoulders all the time.

    LOL, I bought my 3 year old a big bird costume for Halloween, now he decides he wants to be a ghost. He says he just has to....lol

    Good for you FormerOne!

    "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6

  • sweetone2377

    Quotes from Great Crowd.Net:

    Member # 58
    posted October 02, 2001 01:58 PM

    When one of my girls was about ten, we were walking through a park and we saw some youths smoking. She said, "Dad, you can tell that Jehovah is the only really loving God can't you? Because He's the only one who says we shouldn't smoke."
    It made my heart leap just hearing those words because I knew that she was starting to make the Truth her own.

    Member # 13
    posted October 02, 2001 10:42 PM

    When my daughter was about 5 - 6 she told me that she had dedicated her life to Jehovah. She was very serious.
    I asked her if that meant she wanted to get baptised right away and she answered that she did not thnk the bros would understand it if she tried to get baptised so young.
    She was about 8 when she was baptised. So were two of her brothers. One waited until he was eleven.
    Junior Member
    Member # 70
    posted October 08, 2001 08:17 AM

    I was thrilled during our Family Study the other night with an answer my 5 year old son gave. I asked him if he new what lying was, and instead of giving just a standard three word answer, he gave me an illustration (unprompted!!!).
    It was great to see that it really was "sinking in" and he was able to fully explain and comprehend his understanding.
    I was on Cloud 9!!
    So sad, if only they knew just what they were doing to their children.

    I went to look for more tidbits....something really to help move my brain toward studying the real truth, not the JW truth, but as I switched threads, pages stopped coming up for me. Think maybe I've been given the boot from GC but will find out later I suppose. Hopefully it's just my computer acting up again.

    "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6

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