I think my drum beat is off...

by Sparkplug 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    Somehow I am just not getting it. Or everyone is just not getting me. Not sure what it is, but I need a new tune to tumble to cuz' my old one is just not working.

    Ever felt like that? Like there is a whole world happening around you that you just don't know about? That someone forgot to send the memo to you...clue you in to half the going ons, or explain things to you? Misunderstood? A bit lost?

    Or hell I don't know...my drum is out of whack. I feel like just freaking throwing in the towel today. Not that I will. Just feel like it. Just close shop, sell house, move away. I have wanderlust so bad I cant stand it.

    If you get this way..how do YOU get out of it?

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    YES! I'd like to know too! Spark, I feel like this right now!

  • J-ex-W


    You've wandered across the country recently, I thought!!

    Me--I'm rooted...hoping to get someone else to do the wandering....... lol

    HUGS to both of you!!!

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    I have wandered across the country. I haven't even been in my new home a month. I just feel a bit lost lately. It's hard to get adjusted in a new place where you know nobody. Even though I know I will love it eventually, it's hard right now.

    I guess the part I mostly relate to with Spark, since I see your point and I have just wandered very far away, is that I feel like I don't have a Clue lately. My drum beat is off.

    Thanks for the hugs, J-ex-W. Same to you. And to you, Dex!

  • Mystla

    My feet get itchy fairly often, but this time of the year is usually the worst.. Spring Fever!! Breaking out of the winter blues into the sunshine.. I want to see something new, meet someone knew.. BE someone new!!


  • jaguarbass

    If you get this way..how do YOU get out of it?

    There is nothing to get out of. Life makes no sense other than the sense you give it. Why dance to someone elses drum beat. Make your own.

    If you get this way..how do YOU get out of it?

    Some people join the army, the circus, the carnival. long distance truckers. Work on a cruise ship. Take a vacation.

    Or drink a 6 pack of something and reboot your brain in the morning.

    Or sex and drugs and rock and roll.

  • arrowstar

    you reconnect to your anchor...whatever that may be

    find what brings you peace and go to it

    you need to center yourself and tap into the liferoot you have within you


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    What nice comments, jaguarbass and arrowstar. That makes sense.

  • Soledad

    you know I completely misread the title of this thread. you figure out what I initially thought LOL

  • nvrgnbk

    Or drink a 6 pack of something and reboot your brain in the morning.

    Simplest, cheapest, most effective, least invasive approach. Some times the days directly following the days I consider "checking-out" are the best days. I think something awesome is gonna happen to you tomorrow Sparky.


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