Video of last night's Memorial protest at Kingdom Hall

by kool aid man06 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I too wonder about the effectiveness of such protests. Perhaps it makes the protesters feel better.

  • ?me?

    protesting what? misguided elders and the WTS? the worst you can say about almost all witnesses is that they are TOO conservative, judgemental, and strict. But is that that bad? Even if i believed the complete opposite of Jw's as people they would be better citizens than most people.

    protesting is just plain dumb...if you don't like the WTS, go there and protest not at the local KH.

    just my opinion

  • SacrificialLoon

    I think it'd certianly make a few bible studies take notice. If it gets one person to take another look then I think they didn't waste their time. Good for them.

  • ColdRedRain

    Personally, I think protesting has a negative effect on convetions and kingdom halls. It only adds to the persecution complex.

  • slimboyfat

    What a nutter! Give that man a job on Fox News!

  • nvrgnbk
    Too bad they ruin their message by promoting their own false religion. I see little difference between christian faiths and the JWs. I'm still questioning why many of you chose to return to a some other religion after being browbeat by the JWs all your lives. I can only be fooled once

    No offense to the "Christian" friends on JWD but dawg got this right.IMHO.


  • BrentR

    If nothing else they get to see that ex JW's are alive, well and very happy. It completely destroys what they teach that we are "dead" and miserable. Someone who is on the way out needs to see healthy happy ex JW's to be reassured that there is life after the Borg. A very good life I might add!

  • proplog2

    I'm sorry but I think "craaaaazzzzyyy" whenever I see people with signs out in front of some place.

    Nobody really cares. Nobody.

    And JW's that see demonstrators think "DEMON-strators" in addition to "craaaazzzzzyyyy".

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    i mean you had to love ' THE UNKNOWN WITNESS' the bag over his head sends a message to all the faders trying to hide themselves. they understand it. and thats what counts. i give this guy a lot of credit. he has balls, and he's pissing off the wt . plus he's well spoken. and he knows his shit. just listen to his jc committee on sixscreensof the wt. this guy is no dope. and i sure he will help; at least a few see some light. don't knock this guy. remember Ray franz, olin moyer, ken raines,kent( silent lambs ,doc bob, randy, simon etc. the list goes on and on. that's how we all ended up here on jwd. give the guy credit. john

  • proplog2

    johnny cip:

    Ok! Give him credit. In which column?

    There was a time when public protest would have an effect. To keep saying "they have balls" is really saying they have more balls than brains.

    They were behaving exactly the way JW's want their members to view "apostates". "Wild and crazy apostates". Bag over the head = juvenile at best.

    "Can't wait until next year? " To do it again? Get a life!!!

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