So I went to the Memorial last night...........

by Warlock 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2think

    I'm glad it went well, Warlock. Iliked your 'brother I've lost two children to the world and I don't know why,' I know a few of those. I got the same reaction from the dubs yesterday too, it didn't go as badly as I thought it would in the end.

    Welcome to jwd Dave-O.

  • orangefatcat

    Question Warlock, How did that sister know your ID name from JWD? Just wondering.


  • Warlock

    Question Warlock, How did that sister know your ID name from JWD? Just wondering.

    Sorry OFC. She used my real name, but I sure can't post it here.

    Glad to see you post. I haven't seen you around for a while.


  • Sasha

    YOU, Dave-o, have done something I always wanted to do: Partake just to see what everyone would do! (Not that is why YOU did it) I felt bad a little last night, thinking (Or imagining) that some of the sisters would be looking for me (I dropped out last year). But, then I got over it!!!! I personally feel that you shouldn't go unless you are a sincere believer in what they are preaching. I could not have done it. But, hey, live and let live.

  • Mincan

    This is my first memorial I haven't gone to. I used to pride myself my entire 20 years I'd been to each memorial. Now I'm ashamed I wasted a quarter or more of my life to this bullshit, lol.

    I just got home from a trip away from home to assert my independance as well. My mom simply walked into my room, asked if I had planned on going to the memorial. I said no flatly, and then she left and neither of them have said a word yet. I sure did a good job training them in only two months, wouldn't you say? :D

  • heathen

    yah and what about james ch. 3 where it says that not many of you should be teachers ? The WTBTS wants all it's members to have home bible studies or you aren't a good dubby . I haven't known many that were qualified to teach their dog to fetch ....

  • Gozz


    I also like the way the speaker used James 2:24-26. He skipped v.25. Maybe because the sum total of Rahab's works amounted to one event, not 20 years of Field Service. Hmmmmmm.

    Interesting point.

    James' theme was about justification by works; not that Tahab was justified by faith and works, but by works (alone), specifically by sending them by another way. A rather sharp contrast to Hebrews 11:31, who connected Rahab's reception of the spies with a work of faith: faith was receiving the spies, works was sending them out another way relative to the pursuers, her works obvious by the "lost" opportunities to either betray the spies or send pursuers after them or both. Of course, JWs hate to consider this, if they ever notice the significance of the omission of verse 25 at all.

  • Warlock
    Of course, JWs hate to consider this, if they ever notice the significance of the omission of verse 25 at all.


    This is one of the things that has been brought to my attention here at JWD. Skipping over verses. Omitting verses that have an effect on context.

    You know, you see these things being done and you think nothing of it when you are in "the truth".

    For example: 2 Timothy 3:1-5. From verse 6 onward, you can see the application is TO THE CONGRGATION, NOT THE WORLD. But of course, we couldn't have dissension in the 21st. century congregation, now, could we? We wouldn't want anyone to possibly think there could be predators in "God's Organization", now, would we?


  • heathen

    Yep and they miss the other scriptures where the apostles state that in fact it is by faith that you are saved after all and that no amount of works can a man declare himself righteous . something like that....

  • Warlock
    Yep and they miss the other scriptures where the apostles state that in fact it is by faith that you are saved after all and that no amount of works can a man declare himself righteous . something like that....

    Heathen, Everlasting life, a free GIFT from God. I have had a couple of heated discussions with my wife about the point you stated above. Warlock

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