This is going to be a tough meeting for me

by truthsearcher 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • skeptic1914

    TS, I applaud your courage to sit through a 2 hr discussion like that. You're right, though, you never know where it might lead. It's like planting seeds.

    This reminds me of a phone conversation I had 9 years ago. I called someone I thought was a long-time JW. Turns out she was out and "head over heels in love" with Jesus. It's a long story but the point is I did not hang up once I realized she was an xjw. I listened. I evaluated what she had to say and although I intellectually dismissed most of it at the time, seeds WERE planted.

    I believe that experience helped me to consider/listen/evaluate what people much closer to me had to say when they started to have doubts about what the WT teaches. Today I see this org for what it is. God bless your efforts.


  • rosalyn

    DAWG said why bother....I don't say it quite like that but I don't have the energy to discuss deep scriptural topics with any of them. No one comes to our door for years now. Can't say I mind either.

    My hat is off to anyone who has the tolerance to go through the meatier items of their curriculum.

    And we never know what little tidbit may supplant itself. May not be coaxed to the surface for years but their brain has heard it. Let's hope it goes to the heart.

    I almost think I could have a heart to heart with my sister and her husband. And tell them some of the things I read on this site and have actually have experienced first hand. My little sister has a caring heart and it has allowed her twice to come to my aid when ill. I will just think on it for now. Don't have the emotional energy to go there. The fact that I am even thinking of approaching them amazes me.

    I am thinking about you as you endeavor to show them some LIGHT.

    I will finish off this post by saying that is my husband's 4th Alcoholics Anonymous birthday today. Our daughter, 2nd oldest son and his girlfriend will be attending. Oldest son had to work. My husband's father and his wife plan to be there. My husband has really made the program work and I am so grateful to God and Jesus and lots of human beings for having back in my life.

    Ta Ta for now


  • LovesDubs

    Sidbar: congrats to the hubby Ros! I DO understand!

    As for meeting with JWs...if they are willing to ALLOW you to show them scriptures and references even if from older publications without freaking and calling you an apostate or antichrist or whatever..that in itself is a miracle. And means, at least to me, that they heard a bunch of what you said. And if they are coming BACK...even moreso is there an opportunity for THEM to learn. But all they will have to do is mention to anybody else that they are having this conversation with you and they will be forced to cut it off. Thats the tactic as soon as someone starts to lean them to the left or right of Watchtower Central thinking...the accused needs to be CUT OFF from them.

    Sounds like you are doing juuuuuust fine :)

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