
by youcanhaveago 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • youcanhaveago

    Haven't been on here for months and months .

    Completely lost and screwed up.

    Please don't be offended but some stuff on here does my head in ...

    Where now ?

  • youcanhaveago

    Oh well I'll ring the Samaritans then .....

  • megsmomma

    I can relate..It is a-lot to take in. Are you OK?

  • youcanhaveago

    Far from it.

    Scared is the word.

  • forsharry


    take it day by day...or minute by minute if the larger incriments become too much.

    there's a lot of mental downloading that goes on and a lot of it doesn't make sense...just take care of yourself...the answers come in time.

    ::BIG HUG::

  • megsmomma

    What are you scared of in particular?

    Sometimes I worry so much about things (or are scared of facing something) but, when it comes a-long...you get through it and it makes you stronger.

    Is this all in relation to the JW's?

  • megsmomma

    I just read your previous posts and it sounds like you deal with things a-lot of us do. It is really hard to lose family members. (I even LEFT MY DAUGHTER back in that religion (Long story)) I feel like you do, I don't want to hate...I want to have peace in my heart and beloving towards people.

    The one thing I HAD to do though is some councling. I really didn't think I needed it, but when I found out what I felt was NORMAL for someone who exits a cult, it made me feel a-lot better about myself. (I still have my moments...but less of them)

    Also, I had to go on anti-depressants for awhile....to help me stay sane. Nothing wrong with that either.

    What do you need us to do for you right now? Just listen or more?

  • youcanhaveago

    I feel I am completely without foundation.

    I have no faith I have no future - its like being on a raft in the middle of the ocean - where ever I am carried there I must go.

    Oh hell I don't know.

  • megsmomma

    You mentioned 3 wonderfull kids. They are your future and your present.

    You have to think a-lot differently when you no longer feel like you "know" more than anyone else in the "world" knows. You have as much of a life than all of us do. It takes time to find your place...but, it does happen. On average, it takes 7 years to free yourself from a cult like mentality. That was true in my case. You can speed it up though by continueing to research things to find WHAT you believe.

    The big thing that sunk in and changed my outlook was it is not about a certain belief system or religion....It is YOUR PERSONAL relationship with God and how it can affect your life.

    Do not give up....many of us are where your at or have been there...or go back there every now and then.

  • rassillon


    Hey there, many have been in the same position as you.....myself as well.....not that long ago.

    Note that the reason you are here is that you desire truth. That is important. You may feel like you don't have an anchor, but that is just because you have to get your "I can think for myself" legs. It is different when you have to start formulating your own thoughts and not everything will have an answer like you are used to in the organization.

    Take a breath, pray if you are so inclined (I was/am).

    Some people go off the deep end, Don't do that.

    Some people thing that just because they were lied to that everybody are liars and totally reject their faith. Don't do that.

    Find what works for you.

    Some find that they have no faith or become agnostic or whatever.....that is cool....some remain christian....that is cool too.

    Just don't rush into any belief system.

    Also watch out for the Super Duper Evangelical Jesus Junkies who will no doubt PM you with why you should accept Jesus into your heart and be saved.....

    Blah Blah Blah

    I am a christian but these people put a bad taste in my mouth.

    Just take it easy, smell the roses, It is like waking up. Ease into the day, have a coffee, then when you are wide awake, decide what you want to do.



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