What is love?

by onacruse 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • heathen

    Love is a four letter word.................. What's interesting is how in the bible God claims to be love when in fact the old testament has him going on rampages all the time then later in the new testament he is clearly festering hatred until he unleashes complete destruction on the planet. So I'm guessing that's love...........

  • tetrapod.sapien

    technically, "love" is a word with a definition in the dictionary.

    chemically, "love" is probably a nice mix of serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine.

    romantically, "love" is two people with implicit faith in each other.

    spiritually, love is all, and all is love. this makes nature love, of which we are a part. (yes, diseases are part of nature too).

    does love exist outside of ourselves? i guess it's like asking if God exists outside of ourselves. both are things humans experience subjectively. impossible to say, but low probability for objectivity. however, love & god as metaphors go a long way psychologically when aproached as such.

    praise jah one love,


  • found-my-way

    To care more about another person's interest's or welfare more than you care about your own....

    That can be towards a partner, a friend, a child, a parent, a sibling, a stranger.

    Love is felt and it is also demonstrated and communicated with actions or with words.

    There are different ways that love is expressed and felt, we all need it one shape or form.

    love is practical, it is not the same as lust or as infatuation, it is based on knowledge about someone, when you get to know that person, and you appreciate their good qualities and attributes.

    love is blind

    example, your loved one gets badly burned and is now severly deformed, your love doesnt change,they are the same person within...

    love is letting yourself be vulnerable with someone, and letting them inside your head

    love is thinking of that person when they are not with you...and missing them.

    love means being happy for the other person's happinesses, and sharing their sadness or pain

    love isnt possesive or jealous or fearful

    love takes trust....

    love needs nurturing...without actions and positive feedback, love dies.

  • Narkissos

    "Love" exceeds "what is".

    Coincidental as it may be, I find it interesting that, in Greek, the famous description of "love" (agapè) in 1 Corinthians 13:5ff uses neither the verb "to be" (eimi) nor any substantive predicate -- only active and stative verbs.

    Agapè: poièsis?

  • Earnest

    Love is the star to every wand'ring bark,
    Whose worth's unknown, although his heighth be taken.

    - Sonnet 116, WS

  • zagor

    ... something I'll never have I suppose lol

  • onacruse

    OK, I took a break (read "nap").

    Best I can say is that love is something that comes naturally from within you, active towards other people (Nark), regardless of the "target," or circumstances, or history.

    Examples from above ("explanations" that touched me):


    spiritually, love is all, and all is love. this makes nature love, of which we are a part. (yes, diseases are part of nature too).


    love is thinking of that person when they are not with you...and missing them.

    love means being happy for the other person's happinesses, and sharing their sadness or pain

    Thus, I love my JW family, even if they reserve themselves against me. I love those who've hurt me...with one exception.

    Earnest, my very good fellow: You know me well enough to know that poetry is not exactly what you'd call my strong suit! LOL So, please elaborate, if you will.

  • bikerchic

    awe up from his nappy-poo.....

    Honey I once heard this saying and I think for me it explains it, I am simple I don't need to analyze everything to death *coff*. Are ya ready for my profound statement on love?

    Love is when I cry you taste the salt of my tears.


  • onacruse

    abr, your quotation of 1 John 4:8 is intriguing. I can't say how many hundreds of times I've repeated statements like that, without thinking, just accepting. Perhaps that's a basis for some confusion? As in "As for us, we love, because he first loved us." This is a reactionary, a conditional, formulation of love.

    Is God's love of us conditional? In many respects, I would say that, as a JW, that was essentially how it was: me do, He love...me not do, He not love.

    But my nature is to love, without such conditions.

    Hard to put a finger on it.

  • onacruse
    I am simple I don't need to analyze everything to death *coff*.


    Hell, I'd be analyzing my corpse, if I could.

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