The faithful and discreet slave

by Ryan1 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LittleToe

    Its only possible to keep it right if you've been assimilated - they are the bOrg!!!

  • minimus

    The Slave is NOT the GB. They are not synonomous.

  • LittleToe

    I'll happily stand corrected, however my understanding of this was always that:

    The faithful and discreet slave looks after the domestics - which are all of the anointed (including themselves). Non-anointed are like Jewish proselytes, not of the household of God with Christ as their mediator.

    Which just goes to show that if we can't get it straight, how can a non-JW be expected to! Welcome to the wierd and wacky world that is the Watchtower!!!

  • Euphemism

    LittleToe, read Honesty's quote above, from the 94 WT:

    In 1919 that slave was identified as the remnant of anointed Christians. Since then, as represented by the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, it has been the center of theocracy on earth.

    The GB represent the Slave, but technically they are not supposed to be the same thing.

    It's a ridiculous distinction, and one that most Witnesses can't actually keep straight, because the WT always mentions them in the same breath (as in the quote above). But the distinction is still 'on the books.'

    That said, from a practical perspective (sorry for all the niggling, Ryan!), there's absolutely no difference. Questioning the GB = questioning the Slave = your ass is grass.

  • Ryan1


    I read the link you posted. They won't be letting you back on the pulpit anytime soon. I can understand why you would do that. I would rather resign before letting them fire me.


    I will take your advice and read the personal experience section. I feel I will learn more that way instead of trying to understand Jehovah's Witness doctrine.

  • FairMind

    "The Slave is NOT the GB. They are not synonomous."

    Ok Minimus this is techinically correct but for all pratical purposes the GB is the FDS slave. I'm thinking of writing the Service Dept. in Brooklyn to suggest they set up a website where only the annointed can log into and put all matters of doctrine up for vote.
  • AuldSoul
    In 1919 that slave was identified as the remnant of anointed Christians. Since then, as represented by the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, it has been the center of theocracy on earth.

    Except that in 1919: (1) the Bible Students had not identified the slave as the remnant of anointed Christians and (2) they were not represented by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.


  • moshe

    An example:

    The office of the President of the United States( FDS) is not exactly the same as President Bush(GB)- but the man in the President's chair has the power and you don't want to hide any imaginary WMD's from him or else you'll be s-oo sorry.

  • Terry

    I repeat, by quoting myself above:

    The subsequent application of C.T.Russell was not Maria's idea. Oh no! She thought that, because of the marriage bond she and Pastor Russell were BOTH the FDS!

    C.T. Russell quietly adopted the view that HE ALONE was, indeed, the only one through whom Jehovah spoke.

    This presented a problem when he died, naturally!

    Rutherford let this stand for awhile and distanced himself from that doctrine gradually by applying it to, ostensibly, the entire GROUP of anointed. This was a little closer to Maria's understanding (of more than one). Yet, it wasn't REALLY what Rutherford ended up doing.

    Rutherford was the ONLY person who could tell the others what to say and print!

    This awkward doctrine has been shaped gradually and makes little sense if you get right down to the nitty gritty of it!

    The FDS is a ploy to allow a group of old men in Brooklyn to tell people all over the world what to think and how to act while pretending it comes directly from Jehovah himself through the agency of Jesus (and his established kingdom.)

    In reality, all the errors, misunderstandings, false doctrines, wrong-headed predictions indicate these people (FDS) know absolutely nothing about anything!! It has been demonstrated time and again.

  • Leolaia
    *** w94 1/15 p. 16 Shepherds and Sheep in a Theocracy *** In 1919 that slave was identified as the remnant of anointed Christians.

    Gee, another distortion of their history. In no way was the Society identifying the "slave" in 1919 as "the remnant of anointed Christians". In 1919, the Watchtower Society claimed that Russell was the "slave". Only several years later in the 1920s did Rutherford change the teaching to the current one identifying the "slave" as the class of anointed Christians.

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