Active/When you were active

by Chameleon 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Can't at the moment. We all know how that goes.

    Do we ever! Keep hanging out at JWD and you'll keep your sanity.

    "You really got me" is by the kinks, right?


  • What-A-Coincidence

    I was a double agent for a moment. It was rough. I know what you are going through. It's a brain twister to say the least.

  • nvrgnbk

    Nice WAC-

    I was a double agent for a moment. It was rough. I know what you are going through. It's a brain twister to say the least.

    What a polite and restrained way to describe the ordeal!



  • Chameleon

    thanks, nvr. this place is a great reminder of why i'll never go back.

    wac: weren't you at bethel? did you used to be an elder?

    don't you guys ever sleep? haha.

    I'm on the west coast.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    for some reason i get reminded of this when i see your name:


    yes... i served at the house that Satan built for 10 years. And did the elder thing for a few. I look back now, it's all good. As they say, it's not the events that shape our lives but our interpretation of it. Rock on Karma Chameloen!!!!

  • nvrgnbk

    thanks, nvr. this place is a great reminder of why i'll never go back.

    wac: weren't you at bethel? did you used to be an elder?

    don't you guys ever sleep? haha.

    I'm on the west coast.

    I too was a bethelite some moons ago(what a lovely group of folks) and an elder. We're talking major opportunity for psychological damage!

    don't you guys ever sleep? haha.

    How could we sleep at a time like this when a fellow servant of Jehovah is asking for a little love? Isn't that the job of an elder?

  • Chameleon

    wac: never liked that song. =p

    nvr: good point. haha.

    ugh, FS tomorrow. one of the dub teens I know is really into it. I never liked FS.

    How about you guys?

  • What-A-Coincidence

    FS? Never liked it. 1) Hated getting dressed up in a suit 2) hated disturbing people 3) only did it for #s

    ,,always put in fantom #'s

    okay chameloen...i won't bring it up no mo

  • nvrgnbk

    How about you guys?

    Most experienced elders have devised a way to completely avoid "authentic" field service.

  • Chameleon

    my dad seems to like it; then again, he hasn't been an elder that long.

    wac: I agree the most with reason # 2.

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