Did You Feel "Good" When You Were Being Persecuted?

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • ex-nj-jw

    For Holloween, we had to roll up tracts or magazines and put them in the trick or treaters bags when they rang the bell, imagine the torture we got when going to school.

    After the first year my mom made us do this, most of the kids remembered and wouldn't bother to ring the bell!!

    Sick, sick, sick!!


  • forsharry

    Oh yeah I felt sooo good be persecuted and put down and picked on and beat up that now, the lexapro and abilify and trazadone, and buspar helps me to feel good too in the sight of persecution. :)

    it was a complete social disconnect, that I'm sure many of us lived with. Once out, how did one relate to anything after being outside of the norms of society (and reality) for so long.

    Funny thing is? Now when anyone's critical of me, in any capacity, I have a very hard time putting it all into perspective and have a tendency to react in a hostile manner.

    All of this "loving christian upbringing."...and my merry-go-round broke down.

  • Paralipomenon

    lol @ ex-nj-jw

    My mother did the exact same thing one year.

    Our house and car got egged so bad and they left the tract under the windshield wiper.

    She never did that again.

  • BluesBrother

    I did not suffer much as a kid, but when I did, I hated it and felt terrible. When you are seven years old and all the class stands for the National Anthem - you only know that you can't do, it or something far worse than the teacher's wrath will happen to you. I can still remember that sinking feeling when you realise that some "test" is looming. And then there is the loudmouth kid who taunts and makes your life hell.

    As an adult it was different. When someone threw a cup of water over me from an upper window, out in the ministry one day, I felt GREAT. I had been persecuted for "the Lords sake" I made a show of taking off my coat and carrying on the next door with my nose in the air. I basked in the glory of that, down at the Hall, for a week or two.

    Of course we cannot relate to those sad souls who have been beaten or killed for the sake of their faith . It is interesting to compare their comments with other political or "faith " prisoners. The attitudes and courage are not unique to JW after all, with or without the Holy Spirit

  • jaguarbass

    I wasnt cut out to be a witless all of the negativity made my mental chemicals depressed. I need good news and happy times.

  • Mary
    Dismembered said: felt like an ass at baseball games when they'd do the Star Spangled Banner thing. I had some in the audience say "hey you get up, your supposed to stand!"

    Did they ever play the national athem at the movie theatres in the States? I remember when they used to do that at the movie theatres here in Canada. We'd be the only ones sitting and we'd get the same treatment as Dismembered.......I could never figure out why Witnesses are allowed to stand up in court when the judge walks in (as a mark of respect), but standing for the national anthem is "idol worship".

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