Pictures from The Paolo Nutini concert Last Night!!

by misanthropic 32 Replies latest social entertainment

  • MsMcDucket

    Juni, I posted the "Rehab" song that LisaObeesa spoke about on the music thread. It's should be on the last page. I posted it for you, Lisa, and MisA. I didn't know who he was either, but I had heard MisA and Lisa speak of him before in the music thread.

  • Xena

    I downloaded some of his stuff after reading this thread. I likie! lol the new shoes song reminds me of my daughter.

    Looks like you had a great time!

  • misanthropic
    Happy to hear you had a good time Mis. His name sounds Italian. Never heard of him. I'll have to YouTube him.

    Thanks Juni :)
    He's really good and he has an incredible voice. He isn't very well known in the US yet which is really cool because that's why it was so easy to meet him after and get your picture taken with him. Pretty soon I doubt he will be doing smaller concerts at all.

    Juni, I posted the "Rehab" song that LisaObeesa spoke about on the music thread. It's should be on the last page. I posted it for you, Lisa, and MisA. I didn't know who he was either, but I had heard MisA and Lisa speak of him before in the music thread.

    Nice! I didn't know that one was on You Tube, I'll have to check it out.

    I downloaded some of his stuff after reading this thread. I likie! lol the new shoes song reminds me of my daughter.
    Looks like you had a great time!

    It's nice isn't it, I heard one of his songs from a site online and I LOVED it so much I had to find all the other ones.

    Okay so apparently my pictures didn't come out so well since they were from my camera phone, I transferred them and most of them came out really small. But here are a couple that are bigger bigger, way too light but bigger (I'm really glad that lady emailed me all her pictures, she got some incredible shots).

  • Crumpet
    His name sounds Italian.

    There is a large Italian contingent in Glasgae. I had no idea Paolo was making it across the pond - that's great. I saw him do Jools Holland a few months back before his album came out and liked him instantly and bought the album.

    Fantastic pics misanthropic - you must have been very very close indeed!

  • zagor

    he's got an incredible voice. I've heard two of his songs a couple of months ago, been searching for an album ever since (or at least those two songs) with no luck . Unfortunately, he's not that well known on this side of pacific I'm afraid.

    Just found his page on Myspace, something like 93000 fans already....

  • juni

    Thanks Crumpet for that bit of information about Italians in Glasgow. I didn't know that.

    Thanks too Ms McDuckett for the direction to the thread.


  • Crumpet

    zagor - try!

  • lisaBObeesa

    Well, I had a great time at the show the other night! I got there quite late but still lucked in to a 3rd row seat.

    Here's my one ok pic:


    And below is where you can watch my video of a song from the show, if you're interested:

    Here is my vid of New Shoes, but it isn't a very good video because I was messing with the camera and the zoom the whole time...

  • MsMcDucket

    Lisa the videos are very clear! What kind of camera did you use?

  • lisaBObeesa

    Lisa the videos are very clear! What kind of camera did you use?
    Thanks. I just got the camera and I'm still learning how to use it. It's a Canon Powershop S3 IS. It has 12x Optical Zoom and I love it! It also records in stereo, which I like because I go to lots of concerts.

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