Are JW's more human or robotic?

by JH 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Since everything they do is conditional to the Watchtower, I'd say that they are more robotic than human.

    Take for example, "wanting to die rather than accept blood". A human reaction would be to want to live, and ask for forgiveness if accepting blood is wrong.

    Another example is when they go door to door. Is it normal to offer a magazine to a person that needs clothes or something to eat rather than a magazine that says how nice it will be in the new system.

  • JH

    When I think of Jesus,right away I think of him as a very human and loving person.

    He wouldn't have matched very well with the Watchtower's way of doing business.

    Oh, and shunning anyone isn't human.

  • nvrgnbk

    When I think of Jesus,right away I think of him as a very human and loving person.

    He woldn't have matched very well with the Watchtower.

    The first thing he'd do is rip the field-service report box of the wall!

    Then he'd ask, with tears of both righteous indignation and sadness, "Whose idea was this? Do you not know me nor the One who sent me forth?"

  • Rooster

    Even after leaving I still found myself defending them for time to time.. Then I slap myself and get back on course. I will go with the robot choice.

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Parents reject their children because of a organization. That's not human. Someone should remove the probe they have been implanted with!

  • Casper

    I'd have to say that I personally felt like a Robot... same thing over and over, day in and day out.

    Some of the people I went out in service with (10 years ago ) are STILL making some of the same return visits..........PLEASE....just ...........move on already...

    I refused to live in a box..


  • Zico

    JWs can laugh, be made to feel happy, cry, and be hurt, they get angry, they have all the range of emotions that 'humans' have. I don't believe robots can laugh or feel pain. They are as human as you and I JH. (But probably not as human as our rodent avatars ) And normal is very subjective anyway.

  • ButtLight

    I agree, they are just as human as you and I. The problem is that they are taught to "act" in a robotic way, and dont know any better......just like we didnt back then.

  • metatron

    They are the Borg

    You will be assimilated.

    Are the meetings really "education" ....... or programming?


  • JH

    When they vote at the hall, it's always fascinating to see how it's 100% for and 0% against just about anything they will propose.

    Humans are all different and don't all think alike, but robots do.

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