My aunt just died.

by Stealth453 10 Replies latest social family

  • Stealth453

    I was informed by a forwarded e-mail that my mother's sister was taken off life support today, and passed away at 11 am. Cancer. The problem I have with all of this is this....

    I have no idea who she is. We were all very close before my parents drank the "kool-aid" and completely screwed our family up. I 'know" who she is, but at 53, I don't know her, and that pi$$es me off. Now, my dub parents expect me to mourn her passing (she was never a dub), and I DON'T EVEN KNOW HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I HATE the watchliar's for everything they stand for.

    Sorry...had to vent.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Vent as necessary. Your family is mourning. If they want you to mourn, try not
    to vent on them too much. Sorry for your family's loss.

  • nvrgnbk

    I'm so sorry Stealth! Isn't this religion so messed up?!? Just moments ago I posted the following on the CULT thread:

    Great synopsis OTWO:

    And they do not live in communes, isolating themselves from relatives and others.
    "Isolate" means different things. They are too busy to waste time with "worldly" family, but they don't move to a compound, yet.

    I consider my parents somewhat reasonable and open-minded, all things considered. Yet, I have lost all contact with my extended family, none of whom are Witnesses. I wouldn't even know how to contact any of them.

    I asked my mother for my uncle's #(he left the org. many,many moons ago when he was a teenager) and she will not give it to me(she tells my brother, another ex-elder, that I'm a goner). I think it's laughable.


    Looks like this is the norm.

    Hang in there friend. We're all gonna get through this together.

    Once again, sorry for your loss,


  • mouthy

    Sorry for your loss____ Isnt it sad you really dont KNOW whom you lost...Yes it it evil what the WT does to us.But be thankful your allowed on here to vent as much as you want. WE would not have been free to do that in bondage.......& My suggestion would be to try to connect with other family that is NOT JW so when the next sad news comes through you will at least KNOW who they are referring to....((((HUG)))

  • DJK

    My father notified me of an aunts passing two years later, that's the JW in him. He didn't even call me to tell me my mother died. You think you have it bad? Send flowers and a card if a great distance to travel. My condolences to you and your family.

  • Stealth453

    You are all so right, and thank you.

    I will now e mail the non-dub family members and extend my condolences. They will appreciate that.

    Again..thank you all for your support.

  • Crumpet

    The repercussions of the broken families JWs create whilst ironically saying that they are the only way to happy families are wide.

    I am sorry that you never got the opportunity to know your aunt. Maybe you can try to redress the balances and get in touch with any extended family members who are not dubs and see if you can form some sort of relationships with them.

    My sympathies.

  • free2think

    I'm so sorry for your loss Stealth. Not only of your aunt but also the loss from not being able to have a real relationship with her.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Sorry Stealth,

    We all seem to have similar circumstances with our families, given our unique sense of isolation. Though my JW family and I remained connected with our non-JW relatives, I still wish I had found a way to spend more time with certain ones. They were always good and generous to me, no matter what. I feel bad that I "couldn't" attend my great aunt's last birthday party. I was invited. She was the last of 10 children.
    Again, condolences to you and yours and understanding for the special sort of situation this puts you in.


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    I am sorry for your double losses, Stealth.

    The cult dynamics of the jw organization serve to alienate us from both the jws and often from the nons, as well.

    It's very sad, but it's just the way it is. I am so sorry for your loss. I do know how it is.

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