Final Straw???

by Tina 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Disengaged

    There are so many straws that have caused me to become disengaged that they equal a bale of hay.

    1.psuedo friends that come up with their own secret version of disfellowshipping/shunning you if you don't tow what they consider to be "the spiritual line"

    2.Having to listen to screwball elders pontificate from their soapbox, pat you on the head and tell you "don't worry little sheep." When their lives are swirling round and round down the toilet.

    3.Being told "Wait On Jehovah", Trust in Jehovah! When you confront them with real issues they don't care to deal with. The straws go on.....

    "I wish I knew what I know now, when I was younger,,,"

  • Julie

    Hey Tina--

    While I was never a JW when I studied with them they sure painted a picture that was different from reality. After a very long time and many interesting discussions they finally started to apply pressure. I didn't like it, always thought something wasn't quie right and had a look. When I saw their involvement with the Swaggart thing, letters from the WT to Hitler and other documents (on Doc Bob's website--thanks Doc) I was outraged. I couldn't believe this gal, my study, who got to know me pretty well would even think for a moment this was an organization for me. I confronted them with the documents I printed off Doc's site and boy they couldn't leave fast enough. When I found H2O (the old, cool H2O) I learned that my friend/study was actually a victim herself and I came to understand a lot.

    Glad I always had those inklings but finding out the dirty truths was the final straw for me and I never saw my "study buddy" again! As I read posts and see what others have endured at the hands of this evil cult I can only count myself fortunate.

    Take care--

  • hawkaw


    Keep in mind I am not a JW but I tell you I never really had a feel for this BOrg until I read Chapter 6 of Ray's C of C book that outlined the whole Malawi incident all the while the opposite was true in Mexico and the GB didn't think their was any double standard.

    Damn near made me want to throw up especially after I read a April 1/00 Watchtower Rag that showed how the WTS was using Malawi as a tool to show how they are persecuted. Sick bastards.

    Now I know all about the blood thing and now know that the Hospital Information Service is lying through their teeth. That is culpable homicide and that my friend is big time wrong.

    So I kinda feel some justice was done last week when Hoeffel sent us folks that nice UN letter. Maybe, just maybe this maybe a catalyst for others who need a "last straw" or at least get them thinking to a state where they hit the "last straw".


  • nelly136

    seeing the face on my friends elder dad when she brought home a black 'brother' seeing poorer members ridiculedfor their clothing and never invited to the in crowds does, seeing my friend driven away from any assosciation on the wrong assumption he was gay,
    seeing three old ladies squeezing into my dads tiny car week in week out as there were no lift offers forthcoming from those with larger vehicles, seeing one rule for one and another rule for another depending on whether their face fit, watching my friends dad trying for reinstatement for 7+ years etc etc etc

  • spike

    I realized the WTBS would get me killed if I stayed and obeyed their rules. They know nothing about domestic abuse.

  • RedhorseWoman

    I am another of those with many small straws that piled up over the years.

    They were all, however, related to the lack of love that I found in congregation after congregation. I had tried to convince myself for years that my issues about the lack of love were, in fact, MY issues because I was looking at the imperfections of men.

    I found myself in a virtual limbo....unable to attend meetings, but overwhelmed with feelings of guilt because I was so "weak".

    Finally, my husband and I vowed to do whatever it would take to get ourselves active again. My husband starting studying again with the elders (since he had been very new when we initially became inactive).
    Since he was intent on understanding everything and getting all the points clear in his mind, he asked a LOT of questions.....a lot of questions that the elders couldn't answer with anything other than "you'll have to have faith, and wait on Jehovah".

    The elders were getting very upset about the whole thing, and began looking for a way out, which they found by questioning my husband as to whether or not he smoked. My husband didn't lie, and told them that he did. They then gave him an ultimatum, which he couldn't meet.

    During this whole process, I observed more lies and underhanded dealings from the elders than I had ever seen before. There was no attempt to help us regain our spirituality whatsoever. Then, at the committee meeting where my husband was formally df'd, the elder with whom I was speaking about the matter blatantly lied to me twice within several minutes--totally contradicting himself in the process.

    It was at this point that I realized I could no longer return.

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