Total Lunar Eclipse tonight! Visable everywhere, most visable UK etc

by needproof 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Clear skies and the moon is right outside my window!! Nothing much happening yet - it still looks like a full moon.

    I haven't got a camera to take pics for you though, sorry guys

  • needproof

    Well, I have been keeping my eye on it. The moon looks exactly the same to me right now but it should start kicking ass in the next hour or so. It's really clear tonight, I hope it stays that way! I'm going to take pics, shame I cant video it.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Also, the moon becomes FULL tonight. Gotta go trim my hair now!


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    The moon is definitely starting to get duller now.

    I also noticed that through my double glazed windows, you can see the shadow better on the secondary image (cos it isn't as bright as the real moon!)

  • purplesofa

    cool emo

  • free2think

    Yep the bottom half is getting very dark now. It's very exciting, usually I miss this kinda stuff.

  • needproof

    Yes, it sounds like the skies are being kind to us tonight. It's happening quickly now, probably 2/8 covered - can you imagine how wonderful this would have been to ancient man who did not understand how it all worked, to our ancestors - and how great it would look today from places like Stonehenge!

  • bernadette

    trying to picture myself in an ancient civilization going beserk at the sight

  • Clam

    Got a good view here in Cornwall with minimal light pollution as an added bonus. About 40% of the moon is obscured.

  • Qcmbr

    looks great right now

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