Sorry if I offended anyone

by BFD 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    I don't believe I answered your first post so I'm unaware of any inappropriate alias.

    Welcome to the forum.

    After listening to the economy report by the present chief economist (successor to Allan Greenspan)in the US, I feel the economy is in dire straights. Add to that all of the other issues in the world today it doesn't look too promising. That's my opinion.

    I choose to enjoy each new day. I don't feel I'm being pessimistic, but a realist.

    Peace to you,


  • BFD

    Thanks, I will take a look at those sites later. I'm at work now and have to get some things done.


  • Clam

    Hi there BFD and a big welcome to the forum.

    Surely at the age of 93 you're not still worried about an apocalypse? You've lived through 1975 at least, LOL.

    Clam ( who doesn't think it's possible for him to be offended anymore)

  • lawrence

    Don't project the day's experience.

    Yesterday was history and tomorrow is a mystery. Take a fresh look, a fresh breath, and enjoy TODAY!

  • willyloman

    Don't feel bad, BFD, you're not alone. We all inherited doomsday thinking from our dub training and we struggle with the effort to change the way we view things.

    The doomsday approach comes from the premise that life is a dreadful burden to be endured until we reach our happy place, sometime off in the distant future.

    Another way to approach life is to focus on the journey itself, not the end destination. Devote each day to happiness, love, commitment, searching for authentic self, putting others first, and enjoying the moment. The end will take care of itself and you don't need to worry about it.

  • mouthy


    I am so glad I did not offend you. Will you be my Grandma too?

    Your profile says your 92 >>>>>SO NO I wont be your granny I aint MethuselahBoy I tell you these old guys trying to hit on Granny

  • mouthy


    I am so glad I did not offend you. Will you be my Grandma too?

    Your profile says your 92 >>>>>SO NO I wont be your granny I aint MethuselahBoy I tell you these old guys trying to hit on Granny

  • mouthy

    OOPs Sorry ,Oh well I should have sent it again 3 times for emphesis

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Welcome BFD

    I don't know what name you posted under - though I do recall an offensive screen name a couple days back, that I do not see today. Still, though the name was a little crass, that is past and Welcome.

    One point in your post really caught my attention;

    With the help of this discussion forum and the internet I can honestly admit to myself that the JWs do not have the truth. So now I know that God is not going to destroy me "really soon" and I am not spiritually dead even though I was DF'd in 1976.

    If anyone doubts the power of this organization to destroy lives look here. Disfellowshipped in 1976! That is 31 years ago, most of which you spent in dread of the big A, and death at the hands of God for some 'sin' committed most of your life ago I assume. Even now, having shed that particular fear, the emotion of fear dominates your first post here on JWD, due to the cultic insertion into your thinking that 'it all will end' in a devastating moment of destruction - from somewhere.

    Your perception of life, the world, and the universe has been [to date] terrifically altered by what you now know to be a 'false prophet'.

    Each day on JWD gives me more reason to hate the manipulatative lies and control exercised by this cult.

    Stick around - mellow out if you can. Urrrrr, the baggage this cult attaches to the backs of people is horrible.


  • BFD

    How did everyone here get so damn smart. The answers I have gotten seem so apparent when I read them. It's all good. I need to learn to be more positive in my approach to life. Eventually, I believe I will recover. I have a lot of life left in me.

    Mouthy, I am not really 92, I used 1914 as my birth year in my profile. I am really 46. If you adopt me (pleeeeze) I will now need a passport to come visit. I think you are the best of the best.


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