I get this nagging feeling something big is about to happen ?

by 5go 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5go
    You might want to entertain this explanation: perhaps you feel this way because you WANT something to happen so badly.

    I would if it was the same feeling when I had just before I heard a plane hit WTC 1.

    It was that erie calm pretty out of season september weather. We are having an out of season pretty weather event right now where I live damn the weather is good. Maybe it's nothing.

  • Outaservice

    Here in Florida they are predicting another big hurricane season and already the insurance companies want to move out of State. Maybe thats it?


  • Undecided

    I just bought some viagra and I got the same feeling.

    Ken P.

  • Dismembered
    I get this nagging feeling something big is about to happen ?

    No worries mate. The 500 point drop in yesterdays stock market close is just a market correction. You'll feel better tomorrow. Alan Greenspan should keep his mouth shut. That nattering nabob of negatism is worst than Spiro Agnew.

    I just bought some viagra and I got the same feeling.

    Good one ! Ken P.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    As long as you're alive, "SOMETHING" is going to happen.

    Something good?

    Something bad?

    Something neither good nor bad?

    Get back to me when you feel that NOTHING is going to happen, OK?

  • quixote

    Maybe you were sensing the tumble the Stock Markets around the world had yesterday.

    Let us know if the feeling goes away.


  • avidbiblereader

    Pysche or reality?????

    I have it too,


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Feel a tremor in the Force, eh?

  • avidbiblereader

    No, just a realistic evaluation of the world, whether you are talking economy, the war, the ecology and then of course I base everything on the Bible and I know that it will come in its due time,

    Things are pointing to that time, to me. Maybe wrong but then again I may be right, I would rather err on the side of preparedness.


  • 5go

    I just bought some viagra and I got the same feeling.

    Ken P.

    Us young ones need a drug to keep things feeling small.

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