uuu2b1 gave me the courage

by skeptic1914 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJK

    Welcome skeptic. I was raised a JW and I left it at 18. I was always negative about the JWs until I came to this board two weeks ago. I have a greater appreciation for the words "You like it or you don't" and a greater respect for those who have faith and those who are in the JWs, have been, soon to be and soon not to be. I have been a non believer for 46 years and always will be. I have always accepted what is in my heart and now I can respect what is in others. Follow your heart and if children are involved, tread softly. Forcing spirtual beliefs on children in my opinion can have negative effects.

  • pierogi

    Hi Skeptic1914!

    I'm not active, still technically a JW though. It's really great that your wife is tolerant! Not like when I told my friend who studied with me (about the UN relationship). I told her at lunch and when we drove back to her house I could tell that she had been crying, for ME! Then she told her elder husband and to make a long story short I also said that I couldn't teach people something that I didn't believe. Well, I said I wasn't sure about it because I felt that they wanted me to paint myself into a corner with the questions they asked me. They haven't tried to do anything about it and it's been a year. But THIS ISN'T ABOUT ME, SORRY, I have a tendency to ramble about my experiences.

    Anyway, Welcome!!!

  • bernadette

    Hi skeptic 1914

    glad you've joined us. We have our ups and downs sarcasm and jokes wise like any big extended family.



  • skeptic1914

    Thank you all for your warm welcome.

    "Well, I said I wasn't sure about it because I felt that they wanted me to paint myself into a corner with the questions they asked me. They haven't tried to do anything about it and it's been a year. "

    I really believe that attitude of the local body of elders makes a big difference in how "doubts" or "questions" or even what may be taken as "apostate leanings" are handled. The PO in my current cong (I have been told) has doubts/questions of his own. In a cong with "pit-bull" elders someone with same conscientious concerns that I have could end up df'd or da'd. We probably all know of stories like that.



    Welcome....I'm a successful fader (so far)! Looking forward to your comments....


  • Cellist

    Welcome to the board, skeptic1914.


  • proplog2

    One of the most decent threads I've seen here.

    Come on lurkers. We need fresh blood so some of us addicted can finally go into recovery.

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