Dedicated to my kids...

by alamb 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • fifi40


    That went straight to my heart and brought a tear to my eye. I really feel for you and hope they one day come home to your safe protection.


  • hubert

    Alamb, a beautiful post for your beautiful children.


  • alamb

    For any lurkers...this is to clarify exactly what it's like after you leave the cult:

    I am not allowed to go to parent teacher conferences with my children.

    I am not allowed to discuss classes that are available to them or give them advice on a career.

    I am not allowed to drop them off to sleep overs or contact persons holding them.I cannot phone to say goodnite.

    I am not allowed to HOLD sleepovers for their friends as they must all shun me.

    I am not allowed to attend parties the girls do or help them throw them with other parents.

    I will not be allowed to attend their graduations.

    I am shunned at school performances to the point my daughter cries and is torn from my arms.

    I will not be allowed to attend their weddings.

    They are not allowed to attend my wedding.

    They would not be allowed to attend my funeral, should I die.

    They cannot take part in family dinners if I pray over them.

    They cannot attend any church with me and have written suicide notes due to an invitation to another Christian church.

    I am not allowed to make medical decisions for them even though I have joint legal custody and liberal visitation.

    I am told by them that my judgment is impaired and I cannot give parental advice.

    They are required to read literature that calls me a worker of Satan.

    I am not allowed to introduce them to any non-JW family I have recently found.

    I am not allowed to take them on "meeting" days although I have been given liberal visitation.

    They are told I am in an adulterous marriage and my children are its product.

    They are told when they are 18 they will be told of my sins which are unmentionable to them at their young age now.

    They are put in contact with my father, an admitted child molester against court order with permission of their religion.As a young girl, I was raped hundreds of times over 8 years by this man, yet from then until now, he is a WT member in good standing.I was told by my own JW mother that what he did was not rape at all:I was ?old enough to consent.?I was 12 years old when it started.

    They are put in contact with persons who shun me and who counteract my rights as a parent.

    I have no criminal record.

    I have 2 other children through marriage.

    I am the Human Rights Director for an educational organization designed to help abused children.

    I am the state representative for an organization against abuse of children.

    I am listed as a safe house for abused children.

    I am trained as a foster parent.

    I received the Courage Award from another organization against child molestation.

    Yet I am viewed as a danger to my own children by their teachings.

    Our lives suffer and my children are robbed of a loving parent, something many children don't even have.

  • alamb

    From a child's without a parent:

    Brian's father physically kidnapped him and robbed him of his mother, there are countless ones who have had their children emotionally kidnapped and spiritually raped while we are shunned and forced to stand by. Robbing a child is among the lowest forms of depravity.

    "By their fruits you will know them"

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Very sorry for your intolerable position forced upon you. Your children are precious. I too hide and live in fear so as not to lose contact with my children. So I fade slowly and refrain from things I would like to do or say, but can't. But I will somehow reach their hearts some day. I am sure of that.

    As your children grow up, I hope they have the courage to reach out to you. I can see from your dedication that you will never give up.


  • Abandoned


    You did a wonderful job on that poem. Don't give up hope that you'll get them back when they too realize what a sham that organization is.

  • Sparkplug

    Alamb~ my heart breaks for you tonight. I am sorry honey.

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