Questions about the WTS and the UN

by Leander 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • hillary_step


    Welcome to the Board and thank you for your frank and open post. It cannot have been easy to open your life publicly to us as you have.

    Your questions regarding the WTS and its NGO status within the UN will I am sure be answered by others. It cannot be doubted that the WTS has affiliated itself in a compromised way with the 'blasphemy', whom they state have described themselves as 'political expression of Gods Kingdom on earth'. The many threads on this subject the past few days are worth uncovering and reading as they do answer your questions.

    At present you sound as if you are fortunate enough to have a sound body of elders to work with and as such I would just relax and go on automatic pilot for a while. Wait for your 'biology to catch up with your mentality' as some lyricist or the other once stated. Your marriage is worth preserving and what happens over the next few months is so important to your future.

    Keep reading and researching, and do not feel pushed into doing anything that you are not comfortable with either by JW's or XJW's.

    Best to you - HS

  • Esmeralda

    I just wanted to say hi to you Leander and welcome you to the board (along with apparently a lot of other newbies that I've missed greeting, sorry folks! Glad you've stopped lurking and started talking)

    I can really feel for what you're going through. Our past histories sound similiar only I was the girl married to a servant and I was the one with doubts. His father was the PO so it only made things harder, and I had a baby to care for as well.

    You are in the hardest place right now, I think. Being in limbo is harder than actually making the decisions, at least it was for me. Once I could see my way clear and knew that getting out, getting a new life was the only way I could survive, I threw myself into that and let the card fall where they would.

    I'm three and a half years past my divorce and three + since my df'ing. I've been up and down the rollercoaster as so many here have. You're at the top of the hill right now, looking down and scared of the fall, and you've realized (or will realize soon) that you're on the ride, you can't get off, and there is nothing you can do but hang on and ride it out.

    Follow your heart. You're right, life is too short to spend so unhappy, especially at only 29. I was 26 when I got out and when I turned 30 this year, I was glad that I didn't waste another year to do it.

    There is happiness and freedom on the other side. Sure there are things you may lose (friends, family members if you have JW relatives) and that is hell, make no mistake. But I wouldn't trade the life I have now for the one I had...ever. Have never imagined going back for a second.

    Keep talking and hang in there. You'll be okay in the end.


  • Dogpatch
  • NameWithheld

    Leander: No you are by no means alone - I'm another one, raised in the JWs, pioneered, etc. I was always one of those who kind of bought into it, but then again, I never really thought about it much, I mean, it was hard not to see the massive amts of politics, hypocrosy, etc going on, but it was expected that you should ignore it "Jah will take care of it" blah blah.

    Awakening to the 'truth' about the 'truth' is a painful process. It is very sad that the JW org holds your friends and family as a hostage to keep you 'in the org'. I mean it makes no sense from a 'christain' standpoint - why would an org want to keep you in so much if it's against your will? But they do use emotional blackmail to keep members. It's all about power - there's no way to get around that.

    Same with this UN thing. It's all about making the JW religion appear to be a good thing to the gov'ts of the world. To effect tax breaks, etc. Start to examine how much time/effor the WTBTS puts into protecting it's tax status in so many countries - the 'donation' arrangement is a perfect example. Passed off to JWs as a 'simplifcation' to 'speed up the work'. Why couldn't they be honest - "The gov't was going to tax us, so we changed sematics to get around the law" - I mean, most JWs would not have flinched at that even. But they couch every move they make, trying to sneak around and distract the JWs so they are not aware of what's going on.

    Welcome to a new phase of your life, trust me, it hurts at first, but it gets better. Make new friends (ones YOU pick, not ones you are forced to 'like' just cause they're elders or pioneers in your congo). Try new things. Realize that it is OK to try and get something out of THIS life you are living NOW and not live with you head in the clouds that the big A is coming any day now. Stop putting off those things you want to accomplish. 29 is a good age to begin IF (and that's a big if) god decides to kill 6 billion humans in his war 'soon' then you will either 1) live, or b) die. But there's one thing for sure - so far everyone on this planet has lived for awhile and then died. You can count on that. So in my mind, while I'm alive I want to enjoy what opportunities I have.

    Of course, just my opinion, but I don't think that a god is going to come here and kill 6 billion people ... not 'soon' not ever. But I could be wrong

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