Is the GB "Christ"?

by Doug Mason 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Where in Scripture does the GB get the idea of being “Anointed”?

    Jesus warned his Disciples to watch out for the deceivers (Matt 24: 4) who would falsely point to wars, famines, and earthquakes (verses 6 and 7) as the sign of the “end of the age” (verse 3).

    At the same time, Jesus told his Disciples that these Deceivers would claim to be “Christ” (verse 5), which means “Anointed One”.

    (Both “Christ” (Greek) and “Messiah” (Hebrew and Aramaic) mean “one who has been anointed”. The term “cristov/cristos” was originally an adjective (“anointed”). In the LXX it developed into a substantive (“an anointed one”), then developed still further into a technical generic term (“the anointed one”).
    During the intertestamental period it developed further into a technical term referring to the hoped-for anointed one, that is, a specific individual. In the NT the development starts as technical-specific in the gospels, and then develops in Paul to virtually mean Jesus’ last name.)

  • SirNose586

    I suppose I'll find out at the DC. The theme is "Follow the Christ," which is code for "Obey the Slave."

  • Leolaia

    The original idea was a distinction between "Christ," who is Jesus, and "the Christ," which is composed of Head (Jesus) and Body (all spirit-begotten Christians). In Rutherford's day, those who partake of the bread and wine belong to "the Christ", who share in the glory of Christ (the mystery doctrine). But in the 1950s or 1960s, there was "new light" that claimed that there is no distinction between "Christ" and "the Christ" in the Bible, and so they got rid of the latter expression. But rather than giving up the concept, they simply changed "the Christ" to "the anointed", and they continue to claim that the 144,000 has a special position vis-a-vis the "great crowd" (e.g. the latter are "saved" by the former through association with them).

  • heathen

    I always thought anointing meant receiving of holy spirit , they do insist that only the 144k are anointed where as it really doesn't sound like that's the case in the bible . you read the apostle Paul writings and he never suggests that anybody is left on earth after the "rapture" . Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom and stuff like that , so I'm inclined to believe that all true believing christians are anointed and that the 144k are martyrs that are killed for the faith .

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    Two former members of the WT movement, one of whom, James Penton, served in a senior capacity as head of the Canadian branch, have written about this teaching, which for want of a better expression is called the "Mystery Doctrine"

    Writing in his book, "Apocalypse Delayed" Penton tells us: "The Mystery, as understood by Russell, meant that not only had Jesus offered himself as a ransom sacrifice for mankind, but the body of Christ, the 144,000 members of his church also participated in the ransoming and atoning work" [pg 40] He further elaborated : "Russell felt that the mediator for the New Covenant was "the Christ" That expression meant, of course that the 144,000 actually paticipated in Christ's sacrifice for the world" [see pg 187 of "Apocalypse Delayed"]

    This doctrine, which has never been discussed publically since the death of JF Rutherford, but which, equally, has not been repudiated either, teaches that the word "Christ" refers to a Person, the One we universally know as Jesus, but the expression "The Christ" has been invested with a seperate, deeper and almost sinister,meaning. It refers to the "Christ Class" those making up the 144,000 plus Jesus .

    Edmund Gruss, the other ex-WT follower I referred to in the opening paragraph, in his book, "The Four Presidents Of The WTS" devotes an entire chapter to this monstrous teaching. He recounts meeting Freddy Franz, the self-appointed "oracle" for Jay Hoofer, who, when asked to elaborate on this teaching, refused to do so, unless Gruss admitted to being of the "anointed" This telling reaction indicates the secretive nature of this teaching as maintained by the WTS, and the way it is viewed by those claiming to be of the "Anointed"

    It is true that Col 1:27 speaks of the "mystery which is now among the Gentiles, ie, which is Christ in you" This is not the bit that creates this doctrine, although the WTS indicates to those putting it under scrutiny that it is in fact so. Oh no. The real dangerous bit is the next phrase, as translated by FFranz esq, the One-and-only Oracle of Jay Hoofer hisself. The last phrase in the Greek is "The hope of glory" [See NASB, NIV, JB, AV, NKJV etc]

    Freddy however felt that the inclusion of "his" in brackets [As in "The hope of [his] glory"] was needed to complete the sense. With that almost innocuous and unobtrusive insertion into the text, Franz shifted the expectation of the anointed from glory in the abstract, to the glory that belongs to Christ exclusively. In a sense therefore, taking on His Glory, they become Him, hence correctly termed "The Christ"

    In researching this teaching Gruss unearthed the WT of June 15, 1911, where we find this gem of wisdom: "This Christ is composed of many members. This age will end when the full number of the "elect" shall have been found and tested. Then the body will have been completed.When the Messiah is complete, The Christ will be complete" [reprints, pg 4841]

    The last public statement made about this teaching was back in 1927 in "The Harp of God", JFR's opus. This is what he said [pg 202]: "The Christ is a composite body made up of many members" He argued that it was through "this Christ" and not the Person we know as Jesus Christ, that the blessings to humankind must come.

    Duane Magnani, who also made a study of this doctrine mentions that in the WT of 15 June 1942, [pg 188] the R&F were cautioned not to call the anointed "the Christ" yet, he says, the teaching was never officially repudiated. It has been retained to this day, but secretly.

    By this truly arrogant and and Biblically inept teaching, the WTS leadership has permitted itself to slide into a cesspool of conceit and theological manure, and by covetting a glory that is not for them to possess, they are displaying the attitude of him who is their real spiritual father, the one who wanted to be as god,and for whom eternal judgment awaits.

    Hope this helps


  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    I need to correct a statement I made in my previous post, above.

    In the post above, I referred to James Penton as a man who served in a senior capacity for the WTS, having branch oversight in the Canadian Bethel. This is incorrect. I have been informed, that although Penton did do assignments for the WTS, he never served in the Canadian Branch office. The error is mine.


  • greendawn

    I also used to think they were anointed by being part of the New Covenent which leads to its members receiving the Holy Spirit through Christ and the adoption as sons of God. I remember some dubbies were envious in that the Spirit would go around them rather than in them as would be the case with the "anointed". Of course in reality there is no such distinction but they believe there is one. The word Christos (Christ) in Greek means "anointed" equivalent to the Jewish Messiah.

  • Narkissos

    Cf. 2 Corinthians 1:21; 1 John 2:20,27 for a broader use of khriô / khrisma than the Christ.

    Which of course doesn't warrant the idea of "non-anointed Christians" as Rutherford introduced.

  • pixel

    This is really intereresting.

    So, in other words, Jesus Christ will be in plain English Jesus Annointed right? Also, David and Saul were annointed, but according to the WT, they belong to other class of annointed since they are not going to heaven...

  • heathen

    Looking at the aid to understanding the WTBTS states the word anointed is equivilent to the word messiah . I think for the longest time they said that following the organization on earth was equivilent to following christ since they are allegedly spirit directed with christ in the CEO seat. So I can imagine them once again beating this idea in the heads of the R&F , the obedience theme is one of their favorites especially after they are drumming up expectations of the grand finale for the world and the reward of paradise earth. They may actually be in for some more contradictory "new light" as well. Would be interested in seeing more on what happens at the, follow the christ DC. Might actually go to that one since the last one was the end is near , jesus did sound as if he would eventually make some sort of appearance .

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