Did you really want to have "Privileges"

by JH 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight

    Hell, I wasnt allowed, Cuz Im just a worthless woman, who, if Im lucky, can put a napkin on my head and say a prayer!

  • parakeet

    I had the privilege of leaving the JWs. It's the only privilege they have that's worth taking.

  • kifoy

    Since I was a sister, there was not much to do, really. Except cleaning the KH. Boring.

    But because our cong. were so small (20-30), and was short of brothers, and my father was the "chief" elder (I don't know the english term) and the one with the most technical knowledge, I got to sit by the sound desk sometimes. I loved that, because I love technical stuff, and that task kept me occupied during the boring meetings. There was also another sister (pioneer) that had this task regularly for several years -- until there were enough elders in the cong, also to take this job.

    But sisters could never carry the microphone! That was a boy's job, so as soon as the little boys became publishers, they were given the job to carry the mic.


  • Tuesday

    Does anyone remember here the mic handlers who answered the questions at the watchtower study, like how kiss-ass can you get, seriously? I guess handling the reading of the watchtower and commenting on it as well... OMG that's like uber-kiss-ass!!!

  • JH
    Does anyone remember here the mic handlers who answered the questions at the watchtower

    I remember reading for half an hour at the book study, and at the end of the study, the conducter told me that I should have made a few comments also, not only read.

    Gee, I figured that after spending 30 out of the 60 minutes yapping my mouth away, that I didn't have to add comments on top of that....

    But the good brother who wants to make it to the top must read and comment.

  • greendawn

    "All that counted for me as a dub was "Paradise" and "eternal life". An interesting statement because it's at the heart of the JW problem, they don't pursue christian love as the central theme in their behaviour but instead have there a self centred approach to faith. I never had any privileges in the org and I am pleased about that.

  • JH
    An interesting statement because it's at the heart of the JW problem, they don't pursue christian love as the central theme in their behaviour but instead have there a self centred approach to faith

    I remember an influential brother who used to say, "We as JW's don't serve men, we serve God".

    What he meant was that going door to door was serving God, but helping a poor soul who needed help in some way, was serving man.

    So there wasn't much Christian love running around.

  • JH

    Why do we need privileges in the congregaton to help out in some way?

    Why can't WE decide that today we want to do something more than last week to help out without any strings attached and being trapped to do it forever.

  • greendawn

    That's a well known fact, since Rutherford the emphasis went from developing a Christian character to preaching to the public. It remains that way to this day. For the Jews obeying the law was central, for the Moslems it's righteouness (as they perceive it) and for the Christians it's love. And indeed as Dostoyevsky says in the "Karamazov brothers": hell is the state of not loving.

  • Finally-Free
    Did you really want to have "Privileges"

    Yes, I did. I enjoyed strutting my stuff in the aisles as I passed the microphone to the HOT pioneer™ sisters™. It didn't last long though. Apparently the elders were jealous of my fine, manly figure, and didn't want the sisters™ ogling me too much, so they stuck me back on the sound box. That was ok, because my real reason for "reaching out" was to please Jehovah rather than to have the sisters™ drooling over me.


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