Familiarizing Newbies with the JWD Forum

by Frannie Banannie 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rooster

    Frannie, is it possible to change other poster’s avatars without their permission? Is there a button to click on?

  • ButtLight
    In the upper lefthand corner, under your poster name, there's a hyperlink to your "files." When you "click" on files, a screen for your picture files for JWD will appear. Scroll down to "Upload New File" and click on the "Browse" button below it. Your "My Pictures" screen from your computer should appear and you can select pictures to upload to your JWD files for attaching to your posts on the forum. Just follow the directions in the screens.

    I have been on here for two years, and never knew that lmao.....guess this thread isnt just for newbies!

    I always upload to photobucket, right click, copy, and hit the paste button above.

  • ferret

    Thanks Frannie..I am not a newbie but got a lot of help from that post.(((((((frannie)))))))))

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Frannie, is it possible to change other poster’s avatars without their permission? Is there a button to click on?

    LOL, Rooster! NO. Not unless you're in "admin." and I'm not sure if even they can do that. To each their own.

    I always upload to photobucket, right click, copy, and hit the paste button above.

    BL, as long as the photo or graphic is on the web and not restricted by the website owner by copyright restrictions, it can be seen by all if it's C&P'd here, because it can be seen on the WWW. Of course, as jgnat pointed out from Lee's post on this subject, pix on our own PC's cannot be seen by anyone but us.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Oh when typing a post make sure the cursor didn't jump to the title bar.

    Yes, 5go. The cursor jumps to the title or subject bar when the reply screen finishes loading. You hafta wait for the screen to fully load before posting or get "postus interruptus" and hafta jump it back down to the reply window. :)

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Thank you, at last!!! I've been posting here for a while and haven't yet mastered it all. This will help a lot.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    MrsSmith and all, Lady Lee's thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/32/77659/1.ashx on JWD FAQ's covers this subject much more comprehensively. This thread is just the bare essentials.

    But, thanks!


  • Frannie Banannie

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