Familiarizing Newbies with the JWD Forum

by Frannie Banannie 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Newbies take a look around at this forum on your screen.

    Did you make a post yesterday and can't find it now?

    Up in the lefthand corner of the screen under the JWD Forum logo, you'll find your poster name. If you "click" on it, your profile page will appear and you can "click" on your "posting history" and locate that post you made and see any post that others made after it. If you started a thread and can't find it, "click" on your "topic history" and your topic threads will appear.

    Have you been told that you have a "PM"?

    That's a personal message and you can find yours if you "click" on your "Inbox" under your posting name up in the lefthand corner of the screen.

    If you wish to send another poster a PM, just run your mouse over the poster's name when you locate one of their posts. A transparent window will appear that allows you to "click" on "send message" and you can use that to open a screen to send them a PM.

    Don't know how posters copy and paste quotes from other posters?

    When you "click" on "reply," the window will open with a screen in which to reply to another post. If you look at the row of icons across the panel above the reply screen, you'll see a white "quote bubble" at the end of the row. Making sure your mouse icon is blinking in the reply screen, "click" on that "quote bubble." The outline of a rectangle will appear in the reply screen. You can then copy and paste another poster's "quote" in that outlined rectangle.

    To cut, copy or paste in the reply screen, use the 3rd (scissors), 4th (copies) and 5th (clipboard) icons in the row of icons across the panel above the reply screen.

    To attach a picture to your post, use the paper clip icon. You can upload pictures to use for the forum by "clicking" on the "Files" hyperlink under your poster name in the upper lefthand corner of the screen. To insert a hyperlink in your post, use the round blue icon with the chain link in front of it.

    Forum smilies can be used by "clicking" on the yellow smilie icon next to the "quote bubble" icon.

    Recovery issues are covered in Lady Lee's "Best of...." posts which can be located by going to the "Jump to:" window and clicking on the dropdown arrow. "Best of...." is the third one of the categories listed there. There are three pages of topics in which recovery issues and the WTS experiences of various posters on the board are covered. Lady Lee did a lot of research to pull all that info together and is a professional who helps people exiting from the WTS. There's a lot of really good info to be found in those posts.

    I don't know if this info has been posted before, but I thought it would come in handy.

    Okay....anyone else got some good tips for using the forum tools?


  • ButtLight

    What a great Idea Frannie!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Thanks, BL. I know the info is incomplete, but I've tried to include the most important shtuff. Maybe someone else can post some more info on the tools and their uses.


  • dobbie

    Brilliant idea thanks!I wondered how to do the quotes etc.Now about how to do photos from my computer...?

  • 5go

    Oh when typing a post make sure the cursor didn't jump to the title bar.

  • Zico

    If you're not in IE, you're screwed.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Thanks a million Frannie!!!


  • jgnat

    Oh, yes. Any pictures you upload from your PC or CD will show up only on your post. No-one else can see it.

    Lady Lee's JWD FAQ's. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/32/77659/1.ashx

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Now about how to do photos from my computer...?

    LOL, Dobbie! Okay.

    In the upper lefthand corner, under your poster name, there's a hyperlink to your "files." When you "click" on files, a screen for your picture files for JWD will appear. Scroll down to "Upload New File" and click on the "Browse" button below it. Your "My Pictures" screen from your computer should appear and you can select pictures to upload to your JWD files for attaching to your posts on the forum. Just follow the directions in the screens.

    If this isn't clear or you have further problems please let us know.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Any pictures you upload from your PC or CD will show up only on your post. No-one else can see it.

    Thanks, Jgnat, for that hyperlink to Lee's FAQ's about using the forum. I should have known she'd already done a brilliant job.

    I used to have that problem with pictures and still do occasionally when I forget. However, I discovered that if I upload a picture from my PC or CD to my JWD files, it can be seen by everyone here. I just have to attach it from my JWD files for it to be seen.


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